Narayana dasa-How to calculate 2nd Cycle
In my earlier posts I have mentioned as to how to calculate the first cycle of Narayana dasa ,Now in this article I will try and explain as to how to calculate ND for the 2nd cycle.
In ND there are two cycles wherein the first cycle completes the first 12 signs and there after the 13th cycle starts and how to calculate this cycle wherein the total longevity of the native is less.
The simple procedure involved is to deduct the period which was calculated with 12. Let us take an example
Rasi | Lord | First cycle | Second Cycle |
A | B | C | D |
Aries | Mars | 6 | 12-6=6 |
Taurus | Venus | 3 | 12-3=9 |
Gemini | Mercury | 12 | 12 |
Cancer | Moon | 1 | 12-=11 |
Leo | Sun | 2 | 12-2=10 |
Virgo | Mercury | 3 | 12-3=9 |
Libra | Venus | 10 | 12-10=2 |
Scorpio | Mars/Ketu | 11 | 12-11=1 |
Saggitarius | Jupiter | 8 | 12-8=4 |
Capricorn | Saturn | 10 | 12-10-2 |
Aquarius | Rahu/Saturn | 11 | 12-11=1 |
Pisces | Jupiter | 9 | 12-9=3 |
So if the first cycle of Aries is from say 1967(native birth year) and the period is of 2 years then the second cycle comes to 10 years as we are deducting 2 from 12 and arriving at 10 years. In this way total 2 cycles are completed. Add 144 years to the year in which you are born which comes to 2111(12*12=144)

I am here with enclosing the total cycles:
Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):
Maha Dasas:
Le: 1967-07-06 (9:43:44) - 1969-07-05 (22:07:31)
Cp: 1969-07-05 (22:07:31) - 1979-07-06 (11:27:44)
Ge: 1979-07-06 (11:27:44) - 1991-07-06 (13:19:15)
Sc: 1991-07-06 (13:19:15) - 2002-07-06 (9:00:49)
Ar: 2002-07-06 (9:00:49) - 2008-07-05 (21:49:29)
Vi: 2008-07-05 (21:49:29) - 2011-07-06 (16:10:07)
Aq: 2011-07-06 (16:10:07) - 2022-07-06 (11:45:10)
Cn: 2022-07-06 (11:45:10) - 2023-07-06 (18:00:36)
Sg: 2023-07-06 (18:00:36) - 2031-07-06 (19:16:46)
Ta: 2031-07-06 (19:16:46) - 2034-07-06 (13:42:31)
Li: 2034-07-06 (13:42:31) - 2044-07-06 (3:13:34)
Pi: 2044-07-06 (3:13:34) - 2053-07-06 (10:41:27)
Le: 2053-07-06 (10:41:27) - 2063-07-07 (0:04:39)
Cp: 2063-07-07 (0:04:39) - 2065-07-06 (12:22:03)
Ge: 2065-07-06 (12:22:03) - 2065-07-06 (12:22:03)
Sc: 2065-07-06 (12:22:03) - 2066-07-06 (18:28:44)
Ar: 2066-07-06 (18:28:44) - 2072-07-06 (7:29:18)
Vi: 2072-07-06 (7:29:18) - 2081-07-06 (14:41:07)
Aq: 2081-07-06 (14:41:07) - 2082-07-06 (20:45:56)
Cn: 2082-07-06 (20:45:56) - 2093-07-06 (16:33:26)
Sg: 2093-07-06 (16:33:26) - 2097-07-06 (17:10:22)
Ta: 2097-07-06 (17:10:22) - 2106-07-08 (0:21:14)
Li: 2106-07-08 (0:21:14) - 2108-07-07 (12:50:35)
Pi: 2108-07-07 (12:50:35) - 2111-07-08 (7:14:19)
In my next article I will try to explain how to calculate the Antar dasa in the Maha Dasa