Narayana Dasa How to Calculate the time line
Updated: Jan 22, 2022
In my previous article I have mentioned about Narayana dasa as it is a very versatile Dasa which takes into the environmental changes of the native during the native life time. It is not as same as Vimshottari dasa as the VD will take into account the society into account and the help native gets from the society as and when the dasa period changes. VD is very time sensitive unlike ND.
We know that there are 12 signs and each sign is of 12 years hence the total ND period is of 144 years and at any given point of time the time of Maha dasa in the Narayana dasa should not cross 12 years..
Here we would attempt to calculate the time period of each of the ND periods
Every group of 3 signs are of Vimsa and Sama pada. So Aries/Taurus/Gemini is o Vimsa while Cancer/Leo/Virgo are Sama. Vimsa is ODD while Sama is EVEN
Dasa period will be in years and is generally the number of sign gained from it to its lord depending on whether the sign is Vimsa or Sama
Exception: If the lord of the sign is exalted we have to Add 1 to the years so arrived and if debilitated we have to reduce 1 to the years so arrived.
For Sama the counting should be Direct for Vimsa and Reverse for Sama
There are some signs which are lorded by two Planets like
1)Aries and Scorpio
2)Capricorn and Aquarius
For dual lordship if both the lords are placed in a sign then count from the dasa rasi to the sign occupied by the two planets or
If the one of the lord is placed in its own sign and other is placed elsewhere then the dasa period should be considered with respect to the lord placed in other sign
If both the lords are placed elsewhere the stronger of the two will initiate the dasa period
If the sign occupied by he lords are of equal strength then the one contributing the large dasa should be considered.
Let us understand this by the below table
Rasi | Lord | Planet Placed in | Basic Period | Exalted/Debilitated | First Cycle |
A | B | C | D | E | F |
Aries | Mars | Libra | 7-1=6 | 0 | 6 |
Taurus | Venus | Leo | 4-1=3 | 0 | 3 |
Gemini | Mercury | Gemini | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Cancer | Moon | Gemini | 2-1 | 0 | 1 |
Leo | Sun | Gemini | 3-1 | 0 | 2 |
Virgo | Mercury | Gemini | 4-1 | 0 | 3 |
Libra | Venus | Leo | 11-1 | 0 | 10 |
Scorpio | Ketu/Mars | Libra | 12-1 | 0 | 11 |
Saggitarius | Jupiter | Cancer | 8-1+1 | Exalted | 8 |
Capricorn | Saturn | Pisces | 11-1 | 0 | 10 |
Aquarius | Saturn/Rahu | Pisces/Aries | 12-1 | 0 | 11 |
Pisces | Jupiter | Cancer | 9-1+1 | Exalted | 9 |
The starting dasa will begin from the strongest of the lagna or the 7th house. This is called as Arambha rasi. If any one of the 1st or the 7th is occupied by a lord then that sign becomes the starting sign.
If the sign has two lords then dasa period will be of 12 years
Dasa Sequence:
If the lagna is in a movable sign the dasa will be regular
If it is in fixed the next dasa will that of the 6th house and so on
If it is dual the dasa of the sign in the lagna will be followed by the dasa of the trines 1,5,9 and then the latter dasa will be from the 10th house

Leo is rising and Venus is placed here hence the lagna is stronger than the 7th house hence the starting rasi would be Leo and lagna being in the fixed sign then next dasa will be that of Capricorn which is 6th from Leo and the next dasa will be that of Gemini and next dasa will be that of Scorpio which is again 6th from Gemini and the next dasa will be that of Aries which is 6th from Scorpio and the next dasa will be that of Virgo which is again 6th from Aries and so on till we complete all the 12 signs hence again the next dasa will be that of Leo as we have completed the 12 signs..And here the next cycle calculations will change unlike the first cycle
Let us see the dasa periods based on the principles given above
Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):
Maha Dasas:
Le: 1967-07-06 (9:43:44) - 1969-07-05 (22:07:31)
Cp: 1969-07-05 (22:07:31) - 1979-07-06 (11:27:44)
Ge: 1979-07-06 (11:27:44) - 1991-07-06 (13:19:15)
Sc: 1991-07-06 (13:19:15) - 2002-07-06 (9:00:49)
Ar: 2002-07-06 (9:00:49) - 2008-07-05 (21:49:29)
Vi: 2008-07-05 (21:49:29) - 2011-07-06 (16:10:07)
Aq: 2011-07-06 (16:10:07) - 2022-07-06 (11:45:10)
Cn: 2022-07-06 (11:45:10) - 2023-07-06 (18:00:36)
Sg: 2023-07-06 (18:00:36) - 2031-07-06 (19:16:46)
Ta: 2031-07-06 (19:16:46) - 2034-07-06 (13:42:31)
Li: 2034-07-06 (13:42:31) - 2044-07-06 (3:13:34)
Pi: 2044-07-06 (3:13:34) - 2053-07-06 (10:41:27)