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Narayana dasa

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

In my earlier artilce I mentioned that ND is a very versatile dasa and compared to Vimshottari dasa which is related to mind and people this dasa ND is related to circumstances and environment. Narayana dasa is all about signs as they are the resources which are made available to us. Here Narayana sits in these signs and ensure that soul fulfills its duties and the karmas of our past life connected to present life.

I will take an example and explain the usage. Before this the point to be noted that we have to Judge the results of ND from two points 1)Lagna which is permanent and has effect throughout our life and 2)From the sign where the Narayana sits as this is termed as ARMABHA RASI and this will be for a limited period defined by the sign itself. The maximum period of the sign is 12 years and cannot go beyound it. The reason being that the total ayush of a native is 144 years as per ND 12 years * 12 signs=144....

Example chart:

The present ND of this chart started from 14-08-2021 and this dasa period will be operative till 15-08-2027 which is a 6 year priod. The sign which is active is Makara(Capricorn) Maha Narayana dasa and from the natal lagna it is 10th house of ruler. Here ruler denotes the head of the state or country.

Taking this Capricorn as the ARAMBHA RASI we have to see the kendra and Trikonas and here we find that there is no planet in 4th from capricorn and lagna is rising here and 7th is fortified with5 planets out of which Saturn,Sun and Moon are malefics while Venus is benefic and Mercury being associated with Saturn and Sun becomes malefic. There is an AMAVASYA DOSHA in the chart and in the 7th house from the Makara rasi which is not good as Saturn and Moon combination is VISHA YOGA or yoga for taking wrong decisions and also as it is 4th from natal lagna(Mesha) the people of that state or country will face enormous problems. Here also we find that A8(mrityu arudha) and A7(Saptama arudha) is rising in Makara rasi and it is aspected by 5 planets from Karkataka rasi these planets have some desire in the 10th house. Mars is aspecting its exalted sign by 8th house dristi and being the 10th house of ruler makes the ruler more agressive and war minded person and very adamant person who can go to any extent to achieve his goal.

There is only one benefic in the 10th house of this chart which is Jupiter and this Jupiter will give mixed results for this chart(This is because Jupiter is functional benefic and also malefic for the chart as he is lording 9th and 12th house)...Ketu in the 8th house will bring lots of troubles for the nation and it may also lead to sudden changes in their fortunes and can create lot of bad debts..Saturn the lord of the Arambha rasi Makara is placed in the 7th house of opposite people can upset the very existence of the system and here Saturn is the temporary lagnesh of this chart and it is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house which are considered as Maraka houses. Cancer is the 4th house of the rasi chakra(Natal) and 4th is happiness hence during the period of 14.8.2021 for a period of 6 years the natives of the country will face huge problems and their happiness is lost and they feel disgusted with the outcome in their country.

The only saving grace in this chart is Jupiter as it is in the 7th house of the natal chart hence even if they are facing enormous problems but they still however survive as Jupiter is aspecting their lagna which is Mesha,their 3rd house which is Gemini and 11th house which is their Kumbha sign...

In the present Gochara we find that Jupiter has transited the sign of Kumbha which is 11th for natal lagna and if see this transit it is good as it would bring gains for the country at large but from the Moon it is transiting the 8th from which can bring lots of disturbances to the country.Jupiter is a planet of expansion hence where it is placed or transiting it will expand that area of life. 8th is house of debts hence lot of pressure is built up on the nation and in the minds of the citizens of the nation with respect to debts mounting.

Saturn another major planet is transiting its own house Makara(Arambha rasi) and also the natural 10th house of the chart from lagna denotes that something big with respect to the ruler or the leader may transpire and ruler may face troubles in keeping up his place and it may also lead to agitation or war mongering in the country...Mars aspecting its exalted position may involve police and army resulting in some sort of over throwing the existing ruler..

Saturn transiting in the Arambha rasi is like Marana karaka which means it like a death like situation for the ruler and country at large.

If we divide the entire period of the dasa into 3 parts the first part will be from 14.08.2021 till 15.08.2027 which is 6 years of timeline and the dasa rasi being a malefic sign it rises at the end which is termed as PRISTODAYARASI and the results will be as follows:

The first part is for a period of 2 years from 14.08.2021 till 15.08.2023

The second part is for a period of 2 years from 15.08.2023 till 16.08.2025

The last part is for a period of 2 years from 16.08.2025 till 15.08.2027

As the rasi itself is malefic the results of the saturn are felt at the end of the last part which is from 2025 till 2027

The first and second portion of the dasa which is divided from 2021 till 2025 will be given by the lord Saturn and aspects on the sign and the aspects are to be taken as Rasi and graha dristi. Here we find that Saturn is aspecting its own sign and apart from it Moon,Sun.Mercury and Venus are also aspecting it by Graha dristi.Rahu is aspecting by Rasi dristi..All the results of these planets are on the 10th house of the rasi chakra which is Capricorn(Makara).

The antar dasa is that of Cancer and the time line is that of 14.8.2021 till 11.02.2022 and here we find that it is a kendra house and Cancer is an Ubhodaya rasi hence the result of the antar dasa is felt by the country and its people by the Moon and later by the aspect of Rahu on the sign cancer..Here we find that Arudha lagna is placed in the Leo sign and benefic planets like Moon,Mercury,Venus are placed in the 12th from Arudha lagna which is bad for the nation as imports and exports are hit and nation will be left alone to fend for itself. Malefics in the 12th like Mars and Saturn are good.

Again the Pratyantara dasa is that of malefic sign Makara and nation will have a have time due to its leader and also it will be hit financially and mounting of bad debts and strained relationship with countries as A7 and A7 are rising in this sign.

Hence the overall period of the country is bad and nation has to face lots of issues during the coming times with some solace in the middle as Jupiter is a big planet transiting the sign Kumbha which is 11th from lagna(fulfilment of desires)


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