Albert Einstein Narayana dasa calculation
Updated: Jan 22, 2022
With respect to the Narayana dasa calculation I am using the chart of Albert E

Lagna is rising at Gemini and both the signs have no planets in it. The next level of strength to be considered is the strongest of Jupiter and the Mercury. Here the lord Mercury is with 3 more planets while the lord Jupiter of the 7th house is single and placed in Kumbha rasi. Hence the lagna(Gemini) becomes strong and the starting sign will be that of Lagna
Hence the periods of the Dasa is as follows:
Rasi | Lord Placed | Exalted | Debilitated | Sama/Vimsa | Dasa Period |
Gemini | Mercury | No | Yes | Sama | 10-19=1=8 |
Cancer | Moon | No | Yes | Vimsa | 9-1=8-1=7 |
Leo | Sun | No | No | Vimsa | 6-1=5+0=5 |
Virgo | Mercury | No | Yes | Vimsa | 7-1=6-1=5 |
Libra | Venus | Exalted | No | Sama | 6-1=5+1=6 |
Scorpio | Mars/Ketu | Exalted | No | Sama | 3-1=2+1=3 |
Saggitarius | Jupiter | No | No | Sama | 3-1=2+0=2 |
Capricorn | Saturn | No | No | Vimsa | 11-1=10+0=10 |
Aquarius | Rahu/Saturn | No | No | Vimsa | 12-1=11+0=11 |
Pisces | Jupiter | No | No | Vimsa | 2-1=1+0=1 |
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The below are the full dasa periods:
Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):
Maha Dasas:
Ge: 1879-03-14 (11:30:00) - 1887-03-14 (12:47:03)
Aq: 1887-03-14 (12:47:03) - 1898-03-14 (8:28:45)
Li: 1898-03-14 (8:28:45) - 1904-03-14 (21:18:07)
Vi: 1904-03-14 (21:18:07) - 1909-03-15 (4:05:56)
Ta: 1909-03-15 (4:05:56) - 1920-03-14 (23:47:31)
Cp: 1920-03-14 (23:47:31) - 1930-03-15 (13:26:03)
Sg: 1930-03-15 (13:26:03) - 1932-03-15 (1:35:59)
Le: 1932-03-15 (1:35:59) - 1937-03-15 (8:17:29)
Ar: 1937-03-15 (8:17:29) - 1947-03-15 (21:55:37)
Pi: 1947-03-15 (21:55:37) - 1948-03-15 (3:59:29)
Sc: 1948-03-15 (3:59:29) - 1951-03-15 (22:34:21)
Cn: 1951-03-15 (22:34:21) - 1958-03-15 (17:42:06)