Methods to determine fortune
In this article I will be presenting a few principles through which you can determine as to when there will be fortune. Here fortune denotes money hence this method will give us an idea as to when Lakshmi is blessing you.
We all know that Jupiter is the karaka for money hence we take Jupiter as the primary karaka for the blessing of Lakshmi on the native
The sloka is as follows:
Dhaneshamsho Trikone Labheshamsha Trikono
Sphutayoga Ghate Jeevw Dhana Labha Vinidrishetu
This means that take the lord of the 2nd and 11th house of the rasi chakra and see who is the lord of these signs are check where these are placed in the Navamsa and from this lord of placement in the Navamsa take the Trines(1,5,9,). When Jupiter transits the degree of the lords of these Navamsa trinal signs then native is blessed with finances

With the example in mind and if we take the 2nd and 11th lord of the rasi chakra which in this case is Mercury and Mercury is placed in the Taurus sign and the trinal to this Taurus is Taurus,Virgo, Capricorn Native will be blessed with money and here we have to note a point. The point is when Jupiter transits the degrees of the lord of these signs then native is blessed with finances and money will flow.
So let us take the degrees of these lords:
So when Jupiter transit the signs as mentioned above and when it transits the degrees as given here then native is blessed with money
The 2nd method is as follows:
Check where the Jupiter is transiting in Navamsa and see in which sign it is transiting. Take the trines to this Sign and see whether any planets are placed in these trines and also check which houses these planets are owning. When Jupiter transits the degrees of these lords as mentioned above then native is blessed with money.
Here in the example I am enclosing Natal Navamsa and transit of Jupiter in the Navamsa
So as on today Jupiter is transiting Aquarius sign and check whether there is any planet in the trinal to this Transit Jupiter in the D9 chakra. So here we find that Moon is only placed and the lord of where Jupiter is transiting Aquarius whose lord is Saturn and Saturn is 18d46s and Saturn lords the 6th and 7th lord hence when Jupiter transit the degree of Saturn it will bless the native with money.
Now the Jupiter is in 15d15s and on Feb 25 2022 Jupiter is transiting the degree of Saturn + or -2 degree is considered for the result
