D-10 Varga chakra-Understanding the concepts
In this article we will understand the concept and principles of how to decipher the Dasamsa Varga chakra
We all know that the signs are divided into
Hence planets in the Fiery sign give us a natural ability to deal with the situation while those in the Watery signs are like those require some study in order to obtain a fair understanding and further using it in our work or profession. Planets in the Airy sign are those where Study and practice is required in order to have some control over the subject matter and while those planets in the Earth signs the native has to work hard for many years in order to get some knowledge and control over the skills of the work
Lagna lord shows our natural attitude towards our work while those placed in the 10th house will tell us how our attitude changes over a period of time.
Debilitated and Exalted planets also have a major contribution in the D-10 chart.
Exalted planets will give us full confidence to go ahead with the work we do while those of Debilitated pulls us back as there is no required skill available with us to work until and unless the planet in question is cancelled by other planet(Neechabanga).
NEECHABANGA:Works when the dispositor of the planet when the earlier planet is debiliated is in the state of exaltation or in its own sign and when a person persued the work associated with this planet he is blessed by LAKSHMI
Plotting of planets of the rasi chakra to that of D-10 is already explained in my earlier article and the link is given below:
There are different karakas associated with the 10th house:
Mercury is the Primary karaka while Saturn,Sun,Jupiter,Mercury are the Secondary karakas for the D-10 chart and here Saturn is the karaka for the service while Sun is for Administration,Jupiter is for name and fame and Mercury is for Business.
Planets placed in the 1,5,9, are called are Dharma trikona planets and these planets are related to Self(1st House),5th(subordinates) and 9th(Boss)
Likewise placed in the 2,6,10 are called are Artha trikona planets are these planets are related to 2nd(resource) 6th(service) and 10th(karma)
In the same way 3,7,11 are called as Kama trikona grahas as these planets are related to 3rd(initiatives) 7th(business or partnership) and 11th(desires)
And finally 4,8,12 are called as Moksha Trikona and these are related to 4th(office) 8th(Retirment) and 12th(Permanent retirement or loss)
Just like rasi controls different areas of our life D-10 houses also controls different areas of life but restricted to our office and career
Lagna-Our attitude
2nd House-Our group whom with we interact and also wealth and money
3rd House-Initiatives,Enterprise and time to think
4th House-Our own office,Secretary,
5th House-Our subordinates and the knowledge we have to work
6th House-Service,Staff,labour
7th House-Business,Partner,Self employment
8th House-Retirement,Setbacks,Loans
9th House-Our boss,Guide
10th House-Status and success in work
11th House-Friends and resources
12th House-Retirement,Loss at job,Libilities
The D-10 is divided into 10 different direction and each of this direction is controlled by Devata
The digpala is like the Administrator while the Dig Sakhti gives success in our work and the 8th digpala will obstruct the work.
We know that are 9 different direction and controlled by Devatas are given below
North East-Jupiter
South East-Venus
North West-Moon
South West-Rahu
Lagna-Our intelligence
While the above are the karmic directions of the work related activity these are blocked by other grahas and these are as follows:
Sun cannot obstruct itself
Mercury is obstructed by Moon
Mars is obstructed by Jupiter
Saturn is obstructed by Venus
Jupiter is obstructed by Rahu
Venus is obstructed by Mars
Moon is obstructed by Saturn
Rahu is obstructed by Mercury
When analyzing the chart we need to see in which trines the planets are placed and based on which the final outcome is decided
Planets in the 2,6,10 are related to service hence planets like Moon will give government related jobs, while Saturn gives regular working jobs, Venus gives private jobs and Mars gives jobs related to forces,Sun gives jobs related to government or administration,Mercury gives jobs related to accountancy,dealing with numbers, Jupiter is teaching and knowledge related jobs, Ketu will give jobs related to coding and working on small parts while Rahu gives jobs in Multi National companies and which requires extra ordinary mind
Let us take a chart and check as to what sort of career did the native opt for:
These 3 charts relates to different person doing different type of jobs
The first chart native dasa is that of Venus and we find that there is a Privartana between Venus and Rahu, Rahu is in Moksha trikona while Venus is in Dharma Trikona. Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 8th in the rasi chakra hence native has faced lots of issues in the career front wherein she was asked to resign and now native is working as a teacher in a private school/College. Note that Venus is 4th and 9th lord of the D-10 chakra where 4th lord is in lagna(hence the work area is close to her house) and 9th house(relates to act like boss). Venus in lagna in Fiery trines denotes that native is well educated and knowledge and does not require any sort of skill advancement in the area of her work. Native is working still
The second chart is also that of a female who is working in a MNC company as a Engineer(Server side).Here the 10th lord is Saturn in the 7th house and retrograde(from exaltation goes into the state of debilitation)Native 7th house is very strong as many planets are placed hence in some point of time in her life native will shift from service to business. Native is in her Ketu dasa and note Ketu related to those activities which require either coding or working on PC's.. Its a Vargottama Ketu hence it is very strong in the chart and with the blessings of lord Brahma..When Mercury dasa was operating native got the job and as soon as she completed here studies native joined an MNC. If a planet in the 10th house operates in the D-24 chart then native will stop the studies and gets into a work.
The final chart is that of a male who is not working since 2013 due to circumstances beyond his control. See the 10th house it has debilitated Venus which is his 6th house
lord of service and the dispositor is Mercury not exalted but retrograde in the sign of Aquarius.. Native left his job in the year 2013 and the dasa operating was Mercury and after 2013 which was dasa of Saturn he stopped working till this year 2022. Note Saturn that Saturn is in 8th house of retirement of the rasi chakra and in the 6th house of D-10 chart. The dispositor of 6th house Venus could not help the native as he himself is debilitated .The present dasa for the native is Venus..