How to create the D-10 Varga chakra
Article will help you to learn how to prepare Dasamsa varga chakra using the planets of the rasi chakra.
Dasamsa is that varga chakra which helps us to understand the most important part of our life which is career and profession and here in this chakra we read the planets in the same way as we read the rasi chakra and the lord of the 10th house of the rasi chakra plays a very important role and we have to see the same planet in the Dasamsa chakra also.
Primary karaka for career is Saturn while other karakas like Mercury,Sun,Jupiter is also very important to see as they also playa important role in our life with respect to career and profession.
Dasa means 10 and Amsa means Division hence the term Dasamsa denotes the 10 division. We know that rasi is divided into 30 degrees each and total rasi is of 360 degrees hence when we divide 30/10 we get 3 degrees which is the division of the D10.
For ODD sign we have to take 1st house and for EVEN it is 9th house. The first Dasamsa of the Aries is Capricorn while that of Taurus will be Aquarius..
ODD=Masculine are those signs which are masculine in nature and the counting will be done from the same sign itself
For example let us say Aries Dasamsa and the 10 parts of this sign is as follows:
Hence the 10 parts of Aries starts from Aries and ends at Capricorn
For EVEN it is a feminine sign hence it will start from the 9th house
For example let us take Taurus and the 10 parts of this sign is as follows:
For Taurus the counting starts from Capricorn and goes till Libra completing the 10 signs.
Let us take an example and prepare the D10 chart using the rasi chakra
Lagna is in ODD sign in the rasi chakra and it is placed in 13 degree of the rasi chakra and the first 0-3 degree will be Leo, 3-6 will be Virgo 6-9 will be Libra 9-12 will be Scorpio and then 12-15 will be Saggitarius hence as the lagna is in 13 degree it will be placed in the sign of Saggitarius of the D10 chakra
Rahu is in ODD sign in the rasi and in 10 degrees hence 0-3 will be Aries,3-6 will be Taurus,6-9 will be Gemini and 10-13 will be Cancer hence the planet Rahu goes into Cancer sign of the D10 chakra
Let us take an EVEN sign planet and here Jupiter is placed in the Cancer sign For EVEN sign the counting has to start from 9th house and here the 9th house from Cancer is Pisces and from Pisces the counting starts 0-3 Pisces,3-6 Aries, 6-9 Taurus, 9-12 Gemini and 12-15 is Cancer hence the planet Jupiter is placed in the sign of Cancer
All Planets are plotted in the table for ready reference:
Rasi | Degree | ODD | EVEN | D-10 Placement |
Lagna | 13d06s | ODD | ​ | Cancer |
Sun | 20d02s | ODD | ​ | Aries |
Moon | 1d28s | ODD | ​ | Libra |
Mars | 0d35s | ODD | ​ | Libra |
Mercury | 25d16s | ODD | ​ | Taurus |
Jupiter | 14d52s | EVEN | ​ | Scorpio |
Venus | 4d26s | ODD | ​ | Taurus |
Saturn | 18d46s | EVEN | ​ | Saggitarius |
Rahu | 10d04s | ODD | ​ | Cancer |
Ketu | 10d04s | ODD | ​ | Capricorn |
Note: Planets which are placed in the sign of Aries,Leo,Saggtarius are called as Satya Yuga planets and these carry a very high level of dharma
Planets placed in the sign of Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are called as Kaliyuga rasi and these carry a very high level of selfishness.
If the planets are placed in ODD in both rasi and D-10 chakra then the native will be of selfish nature in his career through out his life
If the planets are placed in EVEN in both rasi and D-10 chakra then the native will be of total dharma oriented
If the planets are placed in ODD and EVEN in both rasi and D-10 chakra then native will change his nature from being selfish to being DHARMA and reversal in case of EVEN-ODD planetary placement