Divisional chart-How to calculate Navamsa
In this article we will understand how to prepare Navamsa using Rasi as a base. Note that without Rasi chakra we cannot have Varga chakras. Sages have given highest importance to Navamsa chakra as this is Dharmamsa as every thing is related to dharma/principles and moral value and this is also called as Baghyamsa as all luck related clues can be seen from Navamsa.
Nava means 9 and amsa means division hence the total of 13degrees20 seconds when divided into 9 we get 3degrees 20 seconds.
When preparing Navamsa chakra we have to see in which signs planets are placed as there are 4 elements and these are FIRE,EARTH,AIR AND WATER.
Bodies in the 9 parts of a rasi go into the 9 rasis starting from Aries,Cancer,Libra and Capricorn whether the rasi is FIERY,EARTHY,AIRY OR WATERY,
Grouping of the signs as per the elements:
Aries/Leo/Saggitarius are Fiery signs
Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn are Earth signs
Gemini/Libra/Aquarius are Aiery signs
Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces are Watery signs
Every sign connects to 9 parts which means 12 signs connects to 108 Navamsa
For Movable signs the first Navamsa will start from the same sign
For fixed signs the first Navamsa will start from the 9th house
For dual signs the first Navamsa will start from the 5th house
Let us take example:

Planet | Rasi Degree | Movable | Fixed | Dual | Navamsa Postion |
Lagna | 13d55s | ​ | ​ | Yes | Aquarius |
Ketu | 9d19s | Yes | ​ | ​ | Virgo |
Moon | 22d1s | ​ | Yes | ​ | Capricorn |
Rahu | 9d19 | Yes | ​ | ​ | Pisces |
Mars | 4d45 | Yes | ​ | ​ | Aquarius |
Jupiter | 5d19 | ​ | Yes | ​ | Scorpio |
Saturn | 12d02 | ​ | ​ | Yes | Libra |
Mercury | 10d58 | ​ | ​ | Yes | Libra |
Venus | 24d49 | ​ | ​ | Yes | Aquarius |
Sun | 1d20 | ​ | ​ | Yes | Cancer |
From the above table let us take a planet like Jupiter which is placed in Fixed sign and in 5 degrees 19 seconds. This means Jupiter will come into 2nd degree of the Navamsa as the first degree starts from 0-3 degrees and 5th degree being more than 3 it will comes to second part of the Navamsa and hence we will move Jupiter to 2nd Navamsa which is Pisces of the rasi chakra and from Pisces we calculate further 9 signs(Fied sign) and we plot the planet Jupiter in Scorpio(9 signs away from Pisces)