Lagna rising is Cancer denotes that he has the qualities of being subtle and down to earth person and also being warm in his attitude. Note that Moon in its own sign gives good results and also Cancer the natural 4th house is the Hridaya
Jupiter is also exalted with Moon denoting GAJA KESARI YOGA>For such yoga to operate Moon and Jupiter should be in kendra to each other
Jupiter is the lord of the 6th house the house of enemy. Ravana was a great scholar but being exalted in the lagna of Rama chandra denotes that he will be the enemy of Rama
Rahu also in the 6th house but debiliated which states that he will be defeated
.Saturn lord of the 7th house(spouse) in the 4th house of happiness and also retrograde denoting that Saturn will give its results relating to not giving happiness to the native and dethroning him and sending him to forest
5th lord is Mars in the 7th house of opposite person.5th is considered the house of followers and here Mars denotes hanuman who came to his rescue to look out for Sita when he was taken away by Ravana
There is no planet in 8th house but the lord is Rahu and Saturn and we know that both these planets are malefics which have given their malefic results..8th is Prarabdha karma,Vishnu discouraged Narada to marry and in turn Narada cursed Vishnu and Rama is the result of that curse
9th lord of dharma is in Cancer with Moon forming Gaja Kesari Yoga
10th lord is having Sun exalted and it is the lord of the 2nd house of extended family and his father in law was a king while his father was also a king. 2nd lord in 10th or 10th lord in 2nd or 10th lord in lagna forms SIMHASANA YOGA
10th lord Mars is exalted and it is in Kendra from its own sign Aries
11th lord Venus is exalted in 9th house of dharma and 3rd lord(sibllings) is in 11th house of desires...So Rama was the first to born then Laksmana then Bharatha and finally Shatrugna....
5th lord Ketu in 12th denoting that he will be away from his children and also fight with them.12th denotes invisible hence he did not see his children
Saturn in the 4th house represents Step mother and also Mandhara an old women who was responsible for his excile.
His lagna is Cancer hence his Arudha lagna will be in Leo denoting that he was from a Royal family...Arudha lagna cannot be in lagna or the 7th house