After Rohini the next star in the 27 star constellation we know that Mrigasira will be the next star and this star starts from 23d20s in the Taurus sign and ends at 06d40s in Gemini and when we check the padas the first 2 padas are in Taurus and the next 2 padas are in Gemini.
In the Navamsa these 4 padas start from Leo and then to Virgo and Libra and finally in Scorpio
The lord of this star is Mars and apart from the star mentioned above we also know that Mars also controls Chitra and Dhanista.
The exaltation of Mars is in the sign of Capricorn while the Moolatrokona sign is Aries itself and the degrees of the Moolattikona sign whichis aries is from 0-12 degrees. Mars gets debiliated in the sign of cancer which is 7th house from the house of its exaltation
The diety ruled by this star is Chandra/Moon or it is also called as Soma chandra
Each star is associated with some sakthi which means power hence the sakthi of these nakshatras are the diety of these nakshatras
Prinana Sakthi is that power which denotes fulfilment and joy.and it also denotes make the world enjoyable
Guna indicates motivation and the guna of the star Mrigasira is Tamasic in nature
The disposition of the this star is MRIDU which means soft natured and also soft and tender and highly sensitive
Each nakshatra is divided into 3 and these are DEVA/RAKSHASA/MANUSHYA AND Mrigasira is Deva gana and the name suggests that these perons are godly in nature
As said earlier each of these 27 stars are also divided into Bramha/Visnu/Maheswara and the trimurti assocated with Mrigasira is Visnu whose job is maintain or protect
Each activity is of 3 types and these are ACTIVE/PASSIVE/BALANCED
MRIGASIRA is of passive nature and the qualities of being PASSIVE IS THAT SUCH NATIVES ARE MORE RECEPTIVE IN NATURE
Purushartha associated with this star is that of Moksha hence the natives born in this star is inclined towards attaining Moksha and it is their goal
The body parts associated with this star is Eyes and Eyebrows and also the two eyes
Further the star are classified based on their doshas and Mrigasira is associated with PTTA where it constrol the digestion,metabolism and energy production
Even the star are classified into 4 types of caste and these are Bramhana,Kshatriya,Vaisya and Sudra,farmer,servant,btucher and Outcaste hence the star Mrigasira is that of farmer or servant
The rishi associated with this star is PULATSYA AND the rishi was born from UDHANA VAYU
Among the 5 elements Mrigasira is associated with EARTHY SIGN AND IT IS ALSO CALLED AS PRITHVI TATTWA
The Nakshatra orientation where Mrgasira is associated is Triyanga Mukha which means facing forward or straight hence such people who are born in this star should look forward in their life for continuity and also activities like sowing seeds,meeting friends ,buying vehicles,cars are recommended