Wealth Case Study-2
Link to my previous post of Case stuudy-1
In this article we would take another case of a native and the wealth status as per the chart using both systems Vedic and KP

In this chart of the native we find that 2nd house is cancer and the lord is Moon exalted in the sign of Taurus and in the star of Mrigasira who star lord is Moon itself. Moon even though lord of the 2nd house is not well placed in the 12th house as it gives the results of Saturn and here we have to see the placement of Saturn and we find that Saturn is placed in the 3rd house of initiatives and retrograde...A11 and A5 are rising in the chart which can denote bad finances or crunch in the finances as Saturn is also the lord of the 8th house.2nd house as per the BAV is having 38 points which is good hence if subha grahas are transiting this house it will good results while bad planets transiting will not have much of impact of the finances of the native
11th house as per the BAV is having 33 points which is excellent and we find that A9 is rising which means the father shall help the native in fulfilling her desire..
11th from arudha lagna is Cancer sign and well placed in the 9th from arudha lagna...Native gains will come through those business associated with society,sales and all those related to clothes related activities as Moon in the sign of Venus(Women).
Jupiter is having argala on the 2nd house but here we find that even though Jupiter is having argala on the 2nd house but it is blocked by the planet in Taurus which is causing Virodha argala on the finances. Native is under the dasa of Moon and causing problems in the finances of the native.
Under the dasa of Moon native is under Sun antardasa and the Sun controls the house the 3rd house of initiatives and changes in the 11th house of gains and in the star of Poorvabhadra whose lord is Jupiter and for this lagna it is badhakesa placed in lagna...Sun himself is very weak as he is in 1 degree causing dosha...Sun placed in the Meena rasi with A8 and A2 and host of other planets.
Moon is placed in the 9th house of D9 in Kanya rasi denoting that native has to pray to Krishna in order to come of this issues..9th is luck or baghya.
Now coming to KP system
2nd house sub lord is Moon and the sub lord and nakshatra lord of Moon is Jupiter and Mars..Jupiter as we see is badhakesa conjoining the nakshatra lord Mars with the lagna in Gemini..Mars is the lord of the 6th house denoting that native has taken loans from many people and having difficulty in clearing the same.
Moon the lord of the 2nd house is signifying 2,12,6,3 houses whereas the sub lord Jupiter is signfiying 2,12,6,7,8,11 and Mars is controlling 2,12,6,7,8,11...
Presently native is under Saturn-Mercury-Venus and Saturn controls 10,3,9 houses and Mercury controls10,1,2,5 and Venus controls 10,1,2,5. Native is having issues with her finances and had to depend on loans or get money after clearing the loans.
Following is the table of various houses and significators
AspectHouse Groups
Longevity 1, 8, 3Cure of disease 1, 5, 11Education 4, 9, 11Marriage 2, 7, 11Child birth 2, 5, 11Foreign travel 3, 9, 12Service 2, 6, 10Gain of money 2, 6, 11
Om Vyam Vyasa Devya Namah|||