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Wealth Case Study-1

In this article we will discuss about wealth using 2 systems one is Vedic Jyotish and the other one is KP

In order to understand the concept of Wealth we have to consider the following:

1)Wealth in the form of liquid cash

2)Wealth in the form of fixed assets

3)Wealth through business

4)Wealth through profession

5)How much is made available to us

6)What are the areas where money can be earned

2nd house is the house of wealth

11th is the house of our gains

6th is the house of our career and profession

7th is the house of our business

11th from arudha lagna is the house related to sources of our time

4th house is the house of our fixed assets

Wealth as said can be in any form


2)Assets(which can be sold later point of time)

3)Jewellery(which can be sold later point of time)

As said Jupiter is the karaka for wealth in our banks which can used for later time and planets which are against this karaka Jupiter will try to create a crunch in our wealth and these planets are Rahu(first rate malefic and against Jupiter) and Saturn(which can create a crunch in our finances)

In the rasi chakra first we have to see the 2nd house and lord as 2nd house from lagna is our resources at our command as all these bhavas are created by Sun and stars are created by Moon(wife of Moon).

So we have to see the house lord, planets in the house and karaka for the wealth which is Jupiter.

Apart from that we have to also see how resourceful the native and for this we have to see 2nd house from Arudha lagna and planets like Moon,Venus,Mercury and Jupiter when placed in this house are considered good for the wealth.

A2 has also to be seen and its placement as it is a reflection of the 2nd house. Hence depending on the placement of A2 in the chart we can understand as to what wealth the native is in possession here we should consider the planets with A2

Coming to KP system:

Here also the 2nd house has to be considered but through it is Cuspal sub lord and its star lord

If the planets of the sub lord and star lord are association with planets which signify 2,6,11 is considered good for finances where as the 1,5,9 houses which are considered as bad houses for wealth as these houses negate the good houses..

8th is also taken into account as bad house as this is the house of obstacles.

2,6,10 are good houses for earning money through career

2,6,10,11 for raise in money through promotion

2,3,6,11 for money through speculation like lottery and gambling and 5th is the house of shares

Let us take a chart:

Here the 2nd lord is Mercury placed in the 11th house gains

2nd lord Mercury is in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter and the planet Jupiter owns 5th and 8th and placed in the 12th house of the chart.

Saturn aspects the 2nd house from the 8th house graha drishti

Jupiter is having benefic argala on the 2nd house

As per the Bhinna-Ashtaka varga chakra the 2nd house is weak with only 19 points which denotes that the native may not be able to have much of bank balance but his 11th house where the 2nd lord is placed is having 31 points denoting that native has gains.. Sun the lagna lord is with Mercury denoting that the gains will solely to the native and it is with 12th lord also denoting native has some expenses which he has to incur...

We have to see the Hora lagna the money point and here we see that in the chart we see that HL is with Mars and Ketu and Mars+Ketu denotes the built up property and native will get money or earn money through some built up properties...

And as per the Bhinna ashtakavarga chakra of Mercury the lord of the 2nd house has been 4 points and 6th house has been given 6 points which is average.

And as per the Prastara Ashtaka varga(PAV) the 2nd house is controlled by Mars, Venus and Mercury himself hence native finances are good.

As per the Krishna Murthy Padathi:

2nd Cuspal sub lord is Rahu and Rahu sub lord is Saturn and Star lord is Ketu

Ketu one of the karaka for the house is placed in the 3rd house of the rasi chakra with HL.

Saturn the lord of the 6th and 7th house of the rasi chakra is placed in the 8th house denoting obstacles with relation to earning money through service and business(Yes native is not employed for the last 8 years)

Saturn is signifying the houses 2nd (wealth), 6th(service) 7th(Business) 8(obstacles) 11th(gains)

Ketu is signifying 2nd(wealth) and 8th(obstacles).

The present dasa operating will tell us about the present financial situation


Saturn is signifying-2,7,8,11 and Jupiter is signifying-8,12,6,7,5

Sub lord of Jupiter is Jupiter himself while his star lord is Saturn. Hence Jupiter the periods of Saturn-Jupiter native will get money as it signifying the wealth giving houses but also will face some issues with relating to losses of money as Jupiter is lord of the 5th and 8th in 12th house. Native spends lots of money which he gets on giving taxes to the government.

Native 2nd house is controlled by Mars,Ketu,Saturn and Mercury which means during these dasa periods native will get money for survival.

Native cannot invest in shares as the 5th sub lord is Venus and Venus sub lord is Moon denoting he cannot invest in shares but rather invest in some other funds..

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah

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