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Vimshottari dasa Part-1 series

In this article we will discuss about Vimshottari dasa and its calculations

This dasa system is most popular in India and almost every astrologer uses this system. It is understood that 75% of the population comes under the category of using the Vimshottari dasa for analyzing the chart. Vimshottari dasa is based on the Moon transit in a star at the time of the native birth..

Vimshottari means 120 and this means when we count the total years given to all the 9 planets it will end up at 120 years this is because the Paramayush of human in this kaliyuga is 120 years. This dasa is most apt in this Yuga.

The basis of calculating this dasa system is that when a person takes birth in a particular nakshatra when the transit of Moon takes place then the dasa starts from the lord of the Nakshatra where Moon is transiting. For example if a person is born in Mrigasira Nakshatra whose lord is Mars then the starting dasa period will be that of Mars and then the next dasa of Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury-Ketu-Venus-Sun-Moon.

The below tables gives the years allocated for each of the planets:










The total of all these years=120 years(Paramayush)

How do compute the Vimshottari dasa start period of the native:

1)Find the constellation occupied by the Moon

2)Find the advancement of Moon in the constellation

3)Find the part of the constellation that the Moon is yet to be transversed (Note that length of each constellation is 13d20m)

4)Find the dasa sequence as per the table given above

5)Multiply the length of the dasa by the fraction found.Only this amount is the first dasa left at the time of the birth as the rest will be over.

Every sign has 9 Padas and sometimes a pada overlaps into another sign. Taurus has 9 Padas with Kritika-3 Pada Rohini-4 pada and Mrigasira-2 Pada hence the remaining 2 Padas goes to Gemini and the degree of these two Padas start from 0d-3d20m and end upto 6d40m in Gemini. Hence when the Moon was at 1 degree 28m in the 3rd Pada it has to be placed in the GEMINI SIGN which is the Moon sign of the native..

Below below gives the total degree wise placement of the Moon in different stars along with their Padas:


Ashwini-1st Pada-0-3d20m

Ashwini-2nd Pada-3d20m-6d40m

Ashwini-3rd Pada-6d40m-10d00m

Ashwini-4th Pada-10d00m-13d20m

(So here the total Pada is from 0d00m till 13d20m)

Bharani-1st Pada-13d20m-16d40m

Bharani-2nd Pada-16d40m-20d00m

Bharani-3rd Pada-20d00m-23d20m

Bharani-4th Pada-23d20m-26d40m

Kritika-1st Pada-26d40m-10d00m(As Krittika has only Pada in Aries sign the remaining 3 Padas goes to Taurus)

In this way we have to compute each star with their pada's(At no point of time the total padas should exceed 9 in any of the sign)

Now coming to calculating the left over portion of the VD at the time of natives birth.

Moon was transiting Mrigasira star at 3rd pada..3rd pada of Mrigasira starts from 23d20m of Vrisabha till 6d40m of Gemini...So deducting 1d28m(My moon at the time of my birth) from 23d20m we get the result as 31d28m-23d20=8d08m.

The total length of the constellation is 13d20m hence the length yet to be traversed by the Moon is as follows:

(13d20m-8d08m)/13d20m=5d12m/13d20m=(5*60+12)/13*60+20)=312/800=0.39.This is the fraction of the constellation yet to be traversed by the Moon

The first dasa belongs to Mars. Hence the dasa sequence is as follows: Mars(7 years)/Rahu(18 years)/Jupiter(16 years)/Saturn(19 years)/Mercury(17 years)/Ketu(7 years)/Venus(20 years)/Sun(6 years)/Moon(10 years)

The first dasa needs correction: Total Mars period is of 7 years and the amount left at the time of birth is 7*0.39=2 Years 73 Months Hence if a person is born in 1967 then the period of will be 2 years 73 months which is from 1967-1969. Then the next period will be that of Rahu from 1969-1987,Jupiter 1987-2003,Saturn 2003-2022,Mercury 2022-2039,Ketu 2039-2046,Venus 2046-2066,Sun 2066-2072 and finally Moon 2073-2082.

Just like there are 9 levels of Maha dasa pertaining to 9 Grahas the same way every Maha dasa has 9 antardasha and every antardasa has 9 Pratyantar dasa. For example if a person is running Saturn Mahadasha which is from 2003-2022 the first antar dasa will be of Saturn followed by Mercury,Ketu,Venus,Sun,Moon,Mars,Rahu,Jupiter and then each of the antardasa Sat-Sat will start from Saturn,Mercury,Ketu,Venus,Sun,Moon,Mars,Rahu and finally Jupiter.

Results of the dasa has to be checked from the following:

Mahadasha from Sun,Antardasha from Moon and Pratyantar dasa from Lagna

to be continued...

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