Vehicle Number signature(VNS)
VNS is that number derived from the chart where the total number of the vehicle is friendly to the arudha lagna. VNS numer should be in 1,5,7,9 from arudha lagna or Paka Arudha lagna
Let us see an example

In this chart we find that the 4th house is with Mars and aspected by Saturn and here 4th house is all about vehicles whether are bought outright by cash or cheque or it is a brand new vehicle or an second hand vehcile
We can also say whether the vehcile is brought through bank wherebank pays the money to buy the vehicle of our choice and charges some X interest of money on the principal.
The varga chakra to check the vehcile is D-16 and here also we should check the 4th lord , planets in the 4th house or the planets aspecting the 4th house through graha dristi and what amsa the lord of the 4th house it is placed in the D-16 chart(Shodasamsa)
Here tri murthis control the vehicle and it is Brahma(creator) Visnu(sustainer) and Siva(Destroyer) hence depending on which Tri murthi is connected to the 4th lord we can know whether the native is going to buy more cars or native is going to maintain the vehcile or the native vehicle gets destroyed through external forces
In the chart we find that Lagna rising is Leo and here the 4th house we have Mars and the sign is Scorpio the natural 8th house. Mars is aspecting the 8th house by graha dristi and also we find that 11th house of desires is 8th from 4th(vehciel or properties)

zHere the lagna rising is Meena(Posces) and lagna lord is Jupiter placed in the 4th house along with 11th lord Saturn.
The dispositor of the 4th house is Mercury and there is a parivartana Yoga with each of the lords of these signs where Jupiter is in the sign of Mercury and Mercury in the sign of Jupiter.
The amsa associated with Jupiter and Mercury is Mercury is Bramha, Jupiter is Siva and Saturn is Visnu.
Today ie 1.01.2025 the native purchasedan I20 car metalic colour associated with Saturn and the number of the caris3335 and the total of this number is 14 and when brought to a single number it is 5 and the lord of this number as per numerology is Mercury
As per numerolgu following numbers are associated with the planets
and the arudha lagna rising in the rasi chakra for the native is in Gemini whose lord itself is Mercury which denotes it is freindly to the arudha lagna placed in the Gemini sign
The dasa operating at the time the vehicle reached home was that of
Here in the transit we find that Saturn is transiting in Kumbha rasi and it is aspecting the 10th by graha drsiti and Jupiter another graha is transiting Taurus sign as of now and it is aspecting the 4th house where Mars is p;aced
Saturn antar dasa is placed in the 12th house from Moon and in the sign of Taurus
hence the combined period of Saturn-Jupiter-Venus will ensure that the native is going to get a vehicle and this is a SECOND HAND VEHCIEL DENOTED BY SATURN
In he D-16 chart we also find that Saturn-Jupiter is placed in the 4th house and the same Maha dasa and antar dasa is operating now
4th house lord represents as to which god to be prayed for the safety of the vehcie and here the native can pray Narasimha or Vishnu or Hanuman as Mars represents all these devatas
When buying a vehicle all these factors to be considered