Updated: Sep 21, 2023
In Jyotish Varesa holds a very important role and seen for various issues we face if this Varesa is badly placed
In this article we will discuss about the weekday Sunday and its placement and outcome of such placements.
We all know that there are 7 days in a week
The over-lord of the varas(weekdays) is Sun as it represent Agni in our body and through which we have energy to work for our whole life.Sun gives us energy to work through the varesa hence it is better to have the varesa placed in good places
Varesa as said earlier should be well placed like in kendra (1,4,7,10) and Trines(1,5,9) and if the varesa is not well placed then it will create problems in the life, Vareas cannot be in dusthanas (6,8,12),
The reason behind it is that Sun as said is agni and Sun rises in east whereas the dark signs represented by 6,8,12 is overlorded by Saturn as it will rise in the West where Sun sets. Hence varesa cannot be placed in dusthanas
There are other places where the Varesa cannot be placed and these are the house of Marana karaka
Sun-12th house
Moon-8th house
Mars-7th house
Mercury-7th house
Jupiter-3rd house
Venus-6th house
Saturn-1st house
Fire or energy is the lord of Bhu loka
Mars is the agni tattwa graha
The Mollatrikona office of Mars is Aries
It favours the humans are humans live on earth
Sun exalts in Aries and Mars is the lord
Sun debiliates in Libra and Saturn gets exalted here and Venus is the lord of this house
There is no fire without wind
Day time we find more heat
Night time we find more coolness and wind
There are 8 rudras who are responsible for our being and these are
Lets take an example and understand the first Vara which is Sunday and its placement
In the above chart we find that native (Motilal Nehru) was born on Sunday and the varesa is Sun and it is exalted in Aries with Mercury and Venus..The lagna is rising in Meena rasi and Moon the 5th lord is in exchange with Jupiter. Hence this is a Parivartana yoga.Sun being in the sign of Aries we know that native was a lawyer and he highly proficient and he earnt lot of money in his profession. He was born in Allahabad which is presently known as Prayagraj.
He has huge circle of friends and well know in the society as a lawyer.He has connection with big people like Tatas and Birlas and with these connection he rose to getting name and fame
Sun is the karaka for father hence his name and fame works through his father and also wealth come through his father. Note that 2nd is fixed income where you put your money in the bank for latter use in times of need.
People with high and exalted Sun will think low of others and treat others badly..If they do so then downfall is inevitable.. Here we find that along with Mercury we also find that Mercury and Venus are with Sun hence along with Sun Mercury and Venus will also rise and also we find that Mars and Venus are exchanging their signs where Mars is coming to its own sign and Venus moving towards Taurus..and here along with the native family grows as 2nd is also the house of family.
Sun as Varesa is strong it will result in:
Dear to other
Large hearted
Will loose fame
and if Sun is weak it will result in:
may live in shadows and hiding
