Updated: Mar 2, 2022

This is the birth chart of Ukraine(astro-databank source). The lagna rising is that of Dhanus(saggitarius) and the planet Rahu is debilitated in this chart. Any planet which is malefic in nature when debilitated in the sign of trines or quadrants are good for the entity in question and here it is UKRAINE...
Moon is chara Atmakaraka and it is lord of the 8th house of transformation and death while when the AK is placed and conjoined Saturn(R) causing a very dangerous yoga related to society suffering and also fear getting created in the mind of the citizens.
Moon is also being the chara Atmakaraka is also connected to Mars through its nakshatra Dhanista and the lord Mars is placed in the 10th house of karma bhava and here Mars is very strong as it is getting a directional strength. Mars in Kanya denotes all activities relating to the leader of the country. Mars denotes aggression and also it denotes that the country develops in the area of infrastructure. But here we also find that Mars is weak as it is 1 degree and in the EVEN sign(Feminine energy)
During the antar dasa of Capricorn in the maha dasa of Scorpio the actual issue has started as we can see that Saturn and Moon are placed in the chart of Ukraine and also it is causing Maraka(death)
The dasa of Scorpio started from 24.10-2021 and will last till 24.08.2022...
As per the vimshottari dasa we also find that it is under Jupiter-Venus-Sun. Venus is placed in the sign of Taurus in the Navamsa chakra which is not good for the nation and its well being..
And in the Rudramsa we find that Venus is placed in the 10th house of Karma and retrograde. D-11 charts shows the war and deaths..
If we try to super-impose the rasi and navamsa chakra on earth other we find that Mars is also getting connected to Saturn and Moon and this forms a Rudra yoga..Rudra yoga is a yoga where there will be death all round and war will be the cause of the death.
Here also we find that combined periods of Jupter-venus-Sun are creating problems for the nation because the planets like Venus and other planets like Mercury and Jupiter also is very close to Sun thereby getting burnt by the heat of the Sun. Note that Jupiter is lagna lord and 4th lord, Venus is the 6th and 11th lord and Mercury is 7th and 10th lord. Sun and Venus are dire enemies while Venus and Mercury are also enemies.
The Moolatrikona of Venus is libra and from Maha dasa lord Venus is the lord of the 3rd house and the principle states that during the periods of 3,8,11,12 and the dasa lord associated with these houses the maha dasa lord will treat the antar dasa lord as its enemy.. So Jupiter being the lord of Lagna in the chart of Ukraine and Rahu being in the lagna the intelligence is lost and native tends to fight.
The dasa period of Mars will ensure that the country will be more defensive as Mars the 10th lord is aspecting 4th house and the ruler will take some harsh steps to protect the country. The dasa is starting from 5.7.2022 till 01.09.2022...
Moon dasa also will be terrible for the people as Moon is with Saturn in the 2nd house of sustenance and here Moon is 8th lord of transformation and death...The dasa period of Moon is 13.4.2022 till 05.07.2022
In total the periods of Moon from 13.4.2022 till 05.07.2022 and the periods of Mars from 5.7.2022 till 01.09.2022 will not be good for the country.