Uddhav Thackery Swearing chart
Maharashtra government under the leadership of Thackery was formed on Nov 28 2019 at 18:44PM in Mumbai and it was a coalition government with Congress, NCP and Siva Sena. The day was that of Thursday and the Nakshatra rising at the time of the oath is Moola and the tithi is Shukla Tritiya..
Lagna rising was that of Taurus and lagnesh is Venus placed in the sign of Saggitarius.
In the chart of an government following are the terminology used for each of the houses.

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1st house denotes the general state of affairs, title and cabinet condition and the state policy
2nd house is all about Revenue and collection
3rd house is the communication, media and neighboring states
4th house is education, land and real estate, general happiness
5th house is all about population, citizens and attitude of the rulers
6th house is all about loans and advances, debts and diseases
7th is all about woman and their health, war and external affairs
8th is all about death and transformation and also state treasury
9th is religious institutions, legal system and law of the land
10th is the head of the state himself, exploitation and misuse of power
11th is gains and incomes
12th is about enemies, secret services, deadly secret plots.
Taking the above points as a back drop we see that in the swearing chart the lagnesh(lagna lord) is Venus placed in the 8th house of transformation. We have seen that the government was in constant turmoil and everyday we hear some news about the government doing some wrong things and coming to lime light.. Venus is heavily afflicted by the planet Saturn and aspected by Rahu. When lagnesh gets afflicted then the intelligence will take a wrong turn. This we can use for the native also. As this is the chart of the government we say that the government uses all sorts of wrong tactics to survive.
Moon being the lord of the 3rd house of communication and media is badly placed in the 8th house under the presence of Saturn and also other planets and aspected by malefic like Rahu. There is a chandrashtama dosha and this Moon is also the dispositor of the Arudha lagna which talks about the image of the government. Ashtama is the 8th house and when Moon is placed in the 8th from lagna or transits 8th house from itself then it is Chandrashtama and this is a big flaw in any chart..
In the chart of the entity we find that 8th is having many planets along with Saturn and Rahu being aspected by graha dristi. Moon is mind and hence the Moon become corrupt and its bring death and Moon does like to be placed here and it is Marana karaka for the said planet. 3rd house gets destroyed due to this placement and 3rd house is the house of communication and all communications ceases to exist or is wrongly used to hide some activities.
2nd house is the house of revenues and here we find that Rahu is placed in the sign of Gemini the dark sign of the zodiac....Rahu is the lord of the 10th house the leader himself and Rahu is the planet which deals with all wrongful activities...This also states that the Revenue and money coming into the coffers of the state are from wrongful means....We also find that all planets placed in the 8th are aspecting the 2nd house also denotes that the money will come into the coffers of the state due to the suffering of the people..8th always denotes the bad debts and transformations.
4th house is the general happiness of the citizens and we find that Sun is the planet lording Leo the 4th house of the chart and this is placed in the 7th house in Vrischika rasi. So here we find that Vrischika rasi is also a dark and secret sign of the zodiac and the lord of this sign is Ketu. Ketu denotes the diseases by which the general public suffer. Ketu is Sookshma hence natives of the state will suffer from poverty and also diseases which are small in nature will tend to destroy the happiness of the citizens. The 7th is also considered as the maraka house(death and door to outside world).
When the Corona disease was rampant and India declared an emergency we found that many planets were transiting the Saggitarius sign along with Jupiter and Rahu was aspecting it. Jupiter denotes Jeeva and also moral values and principles and if Jupiter gets heavily afflicted all issues relating to the lives of the state will be under scrutiny and deaths can occur .
6th is the house of loans and advances and also debts and disease...Mars in the 6th house gives lot of courage to fight back and Mercury in the 6th house as the Amatyakaraka is not good as it denotes wrong suggestions being given to the leaders by the ministers....Mercury is the chara Amatyakaraka in the star of Visakha and the lord is Jupiter. Jupiter in the 8th house is bad as Jupiter takes the role of war lord. All planets are in the axis of Rahu and Ketu except the lagna which is outside.. Rahu/Ketu axis is that of 2/8 which denotes wealth, disease, death and debts.
Venus here denotes the death of people who are related to entertainment. The yoga in which the oath was taken is that of Shola yoga which will be painful as the lord of this Yoga is Jupiter and we find that it is placed in the 8th house...The day also being Thursday and the over lord of the day is Sun(Surya) the energy of the Sun is carried forward to the 8th house which again denotes death and disease and transformation.
Nakshatra rising at the time of swearing is that of Moola whose lord is Niriti bring death and disease to the state. For the Moola star rising the sign Capricorn is the Sunya and here the it is 9th house of government itself and A7 is rising denoting that any partnership will not last long and someday it has to break and government will fall.
The AK is Saturn and taking this AK as Karaka lagna will be Saggitarius and the Sunya star will be Ardra whose lord is Rahu in the 2nd house and Hasta whose lord is Moon in the 8th house forming a bad yoga... Rahu is the lord of the 10th(ruler) in the 2nd house exalted and Moon lord of the 3rd house. Moola devata is Nirriti delivering the Sunya to Moon and Rahu being in the star of Ardra brings about death and disease and turmoil's.
Rahu brings terrible troubles and Moon brings disease and loss of longevity.
Now the present dasa operating is that of Ketu Maha dasa(Ketu is in 8th house and he is the lord of the 7th house of relationships and also maraka) and antar dasa is that of Jupiter which is also the lord of the 11th house(friends) being placed in the 8th house denotes Asura Yoga(Asura is a demon) hence the antar dasa will give results of the Asura(demon like activities). The antar dasa operating is from 31.7.2020 till 07.07.2021. The Pratyantar dasa is that of Sun and this the lord of the 4th house of general happiness and also the karaka related to government officials being in the sign of Vrischika whose lords are Ketu and Mars. Hence here we find that the latest case emerging is bringing death to the government as police officials are involved(Ketu is solider and Sun is the king whereas Mars is the police personnel). In the Navamsa chakra Sun is debilitated in the Kama trikona. Neecha is not good for any planet...
The next dasa is that of Moon PD and here we find that Moon is placed in the 10th house with Jupiter and this denotes that government can change or there is a sudden new upcoming events. Moon is lord of the 12th house(Moksha) and 5th house(changes) and 8th house(transformation).The next dasa is from 27.3.2021 till 25.4.2021..
The degree of the Taurus lagna is that of 23degrees and now Rahu is transiting the Taurus lagna at 20degrees in the rasi chakra and in the 12th house of Navamsa(Cancer lagna rising in d9).Moon is transiting the 7th from itself and when it moves to the 8th house again Chandrashtama dosha occurs which is bad for the well being of the government.
om vyam vyasa devaya namah||||