Trump swearing in ceremony chart
The chart for the swearing in ceremony is enclosed for the Trump administration. Trump being the head of the USA his role will be considered along with others who are going to impact his decision making

This is the chart of Trump swearing-in and here we find that Mesha lagna is rising and the lagnesh is placed in the 4th house debiliated and retro which gives power to the lagnesh and thereby giving more emphasis to the matter relating to the home front or USA. Planet which is debiliated and retro acts as if it is exalted and the planet will aspect the sign opposite to it..Hence the sign which is aspected by Mars is 10th house whcih makes the ruler and country agressive and prone to war like situation. Even though trump says that he will stop war but USA will be drawn into war as there is no benefic aspect on the lagna(Aries)
The Sun which is the lord of the 5th house relating to citizens is exalted in the 10th house of karma which denotes that citizens will do well but they will be against the ruler which is Donald trump.
11th house of desires and friends are placed in the house of losses and unknown enemies which is 12th house hence we may know that trump will feel the pressure from his enemies and they may distrub his mind and also try to do some bad to him.
9th lord of foreign affairs is placed in the 2nd house and being retrograde ensures that the his foreign office will have some issues with respect to froeign office. The lagna of India is placed in the Taurus sign which also denote that India will be hit with the rules designed by his foreign office
For his lagna Aries his badhaka sign Aquarius where we find Saturn and Venus hence issue relating to Saaturn and Venus will be seen profundly working against the goverment.Any planets placed in Aquarius are doomed as it is cotrolled by Rahu and here we find that the dispositor is placed inn 12th house of losses and secret enemies
Here we find that Mars Maha dasa is operating and this planet Mars is placed in the 4th house of home affiars hence the government will focus more on its own country like redefining the borders and internal security. Mars is very strong being retrograde as it is placed in the sign of cancer
Moon being the 4th lord of home affiars is placed in the 6th house of eemies and it is with 8th lord Ketu forming grahana yoga. The country USA will face issues due to the presece of 8th lord in 6th house and this will be due to enemies.
The antar dasa is that of Rahu and this combo of Maha and antar dasa is connected to fire and destruction
Mars is well placed in the same sign in rasi and navamsa making it strong and with the blessing of ugra roopa of Mars like Hauman,kartikeya or with the blessing of bagalamukhi.
Sun placed in the sign of Capricorn is called as bhaga aditya and as the name represents
Bhaga is a Vedic god of wealth, prosperity, and marriage. He is also the name of one of the 12 Adityas, a group of deities in Hinduism.Â
Who is Bhaga?Â
Bhaga is the son of Aditi and the sage Kashyapa
He is also known as the Enjoyer
Bhaga is associated with solar power
He is also considered to be a Sun God
Bhaga is the lord of the Purva Phalguni nakshatra
Bhaga's responsibility was to ensure that people received a share of the goods in life
What does Bhaga mean?
The Sanskrit word Bhaga means "wealth," "power," or "fortune"Â
It can also be used as a term for "lord, patron"Â