Trimsamsa D-30
D-30 chart is the third level of Varga chakra which tells us about the evils in our chart. We know that Sun moves 1 degree in a sign and takes 30 days to move from one sign to another and takes 120 days (4 months) to cover Mesha,Vrisabha,Mithuna and Cancer and then another 120 days to move from Leo-Scorpio ana 120 days from Sagittarius- Pisces.
120 days represent the full life span of a native which is connected to Vimshottari dasa where when we count the years alloted to each of the planet in the VD we end up getting 120 years.
Trimsamsa chart is used to understand what evils we have to face in our life due to our past life karmas.
The Trimsamsa Lords for an odd Rasi are Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. Each of them in order rules 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees. The deities, ruling over the Trimsamsas are Agni, Vayu, Indra, Kuber and Varuna respectively. In the case of Even Rasi the quantum of Trimsamsas, Grah lordship and deities get reversed. Thus for ODD signs, the trimsamsa can be found by placing the planets in ODD signs, in the signs ruled by the planets in the following order 1. Mars- 0 to 5 deg - Aries 2. Saturn- 5 to 10 deg- Aquarius 3. Jupiter- 10 to 18 deg- Sagittarius 4. Mercury- 18 to 25 deg- Gemini 5. Venus- 25 to 30 deg- Libra
Elements and D-30 Varga chakra which results in fall in character and this is termed as Pancha weakness
If a particular planet is placed in a certain Trimamsa and is afflicted by planets then the weakness associated with the element will show up in the chart.
Apart from the above we have Shadripus which are 6 weakness and this is shown in the below table:
Diseases are of two types 1)Nija dosha and 2)Aguntaka Nija denotes self and Aguntaka denotes one which cannot be explained and which is external in nature.
Disease can effect the native when 8th house is involved which also effects our 5th house and also when badhaka sthana or badhakesa is also involved along with 6th house
D-30 being the third level varga chakra connected to subconscious mind.
Disease will control our longevity hence in order to understand the D-30 varga chakra we need to see the Lagna,10th house and 8th house and also this helps us in understanding the weakness of the native
Lagna being self denotes the weakness acquire during the present life and the lagna lord denotes what element has suffered leading to shadripu and disease.
10th house denotes shadripu leading to mental weakness due to pressures which the mind fails to encounter
8th house is Nija dosha and this deals with the shadripus which we have acquired from past life
Lagna is very important in any varga chakra as it shows the self relating to that varga chakra hence we have to see what tattwa the lagna in the rasi and D-30 is connected. They should not be inimical to each other which may lead to weakness in our life
Depending on what planet is causing this weakness the tattwa associated with that planet should be prayed to get relief. In other case it is better to do pray to PANCHA DEVATA on daily basis to protect ourselves from evils.
1. Troubles due to enmity among tattvas:
We must know that the Agni - Jala and Prithvi - Vayu are the set of antagonistic tattvas and they have difficulty in co-existence. Whenever there is any association of these pairs of antagonistic tattvas, troubles manifest in different forms. For example:
1.1. If Rasi chart is in Agni Tatva and Trimsamsa shows Jala Tatwa (opposite of Agni Tatwa) or vice- versa , there is sure to be plenty of problems.
1.2. Dasa / AD lord which are mutually hostile by owning opposite Tattvas create many serious problems. Such as  Sat Dasa- Ven AD or vice versa. Similarly Merc Dasa- Mars AD or vice versa are also troublesome.
1.3. When Trimsamsa shows contradictory influences on any pair, bad results are likely to follow.
2. Planets and Tattvas As per the Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra, he five tattvas are governed by five planets from Mars to Saturn. The lumineries and the nodes are left out as they do not have any rulership in the parashari trimsamsa. More than that Sun, Moon and the nodes represent the cycle of birth and death (i.e., the "purpose") whereas, other planets show the "process" of creation and destruction-
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||
