Transit and Present situation for India
In this article let us see the transit of India and what events will follow:
The transit chart is rising with Karkataka lagna and the lord is Moon placed in the 2nd house of sustenance and in the sign of Leo. This is sort of Amavasya as Moon being the Jala tattwa graha is placed in agni tattwa rasi hence the light of the Moon is taken away by Sun...
2nd lord of sustenance and finances of the country is placed in the 12th house of losses and also note that Sun cannot be placed in the 12th house as it is akin to Marana karaka situation and camouflaged by Rahu and Mercury. Sun is like a king and he likes to take the leadership role and when he goes to 12th house he feels that his power is being taken away. Here Sun is the lord of Sustenance placed in the 12th house of losses along with Mercury which denotes businessman taking a huge hit...
Moon the lagna lord is placed in the 12th from arudha lagna also denoting that Society at large are facing lots of issues and we can death happening around.. The karaka for Moon is society and when placed in the 12th from arudha lagna the karakatwa is lost...
Moon and Venus are best placed in the 1,4,7,10 from arudha lagna and even Mercury is best placed in these houses as Venus and Mercury are Rajasic grahas connected to markets and business whereas Moon is society.
Compared to December 2019 where all planets are placed in the dhanus rasi(6 planets where placed) here we find that Moon is out of this Sarpa Dosha which means the society or the Masses at large will starting feeling that the bondage is removed. (Note that only few states have declared Lock-down and other states have not declared it. Unlock 1.0)...But still being in the 2nd house in the sign of Leo masses are feeling the heat of the lock down..
The Sarpa yoga is broken by Moon and the lagna(lagna denotes the entity(here it is India) and the lagnesh is the Moon..
Jupiter is till under the clutches of Saturn hence we still find that people are having issues in their life and we also see that people are still dying. Jupiter is the 6th lord of disease in the 7th house and has become weak. Here Jupiter is trying to make itself strong as it retrograde which can also denote that people at large as very conscious of their surroundings and also they are trying to move around cautiously . 6th is the bhava of disease and enemy and here we also find that the lagna of the China is Makara and two planets Saturn and Jupiter is transiting the lagna of China..
5th lord of the people of the country is Ketu(Primary karaka) and it is exalted in the 6th house of diseases and the lord Jupiter is going to Maraka sign(7th house and also the house of opposition).
Ketu is still in Moola aspected by Rahu,Sun and Mercury . Hence here we find that a Yogi or guru will come out with a drug for this disease(here we know that Baba
) has come out with a miracle drug to cure Corona virus. But still there is an opposition for this drug to be used.
Now when the Ketu transits to its own sign Scorpio in the Month of September 2020 total cure will be out to the public and we also find that Rahu is also moving out of the Ardra Nakshatra i Gemini to Taurus sign which is the lagna of India.
Jupiter is in the 0 degree now and it is chara Dara karaka and it is lord of the 6th and 9th house in 7th house of business and maraka house...
9th is the house of government hence government will feel the pinch of dwindling economy...Rahu has become the chara atmakaraka and it is aspecting the 4th house by 5th house dristi hence there is a sort of Kapata yoga(even though there is no planet in the 4th house) but 4th lord Venus is in the badhaka sthana. Venus denotes Lakshmi hence the government is not able to realize its gains even though it pumped lot of money into the market.
As per my opinion I fee that post December 2020 or even prior to this month we can expect some major war like situation happening in India.If talks have gone through there can be some respite otherwise by the year 2021-2022 we can expect War in India as during this period of time under Leo Cancer antar dasa is operating which is 12th from Leo and 3rd from lagna. The probability of we winning will be high as Jupiter is in the Marana karaka sthana and 3rd denotes the people who are going to fight with us...
Lets hope that the mother nature will give us some Sadbudhi to all of us to cope with this situation and let us pray for the peace of this nation and people around us.