The Ultimate Guide to Analyzing Your Narayana Dasa in Vedic Astrology
In this article I would explainn as to how to analyze the chart using Narayana dasa which is a Phalita dasa
In this example we will consider the D-12 varga chakra which is the chart associated with our parents.
This is the chart of India ex Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and is the elsdest son of Mrs Indira Gandhi and hewe we find that the Leo lagna the bhava associated with power and authrotity has planets placed in the lagna and such combinations make a person very powerful(Rajayoga)
In the chart we also find that all the planets in the rasi is also aspecting his GL(ghatika lagna) by rasi dristi. All fixed signs aspets the movable signs and here Libra is a movable sign.
In the D-12 chart that the lagna rising is that of Capricorn and the 12th house lord Moon of the rasi is placed in the 2nd house of the D-12 along with Ketu and this will initiate the Narayana dasa for the D-12 chart.
As the first Narayana dasa period is that of Aquarius and it is the 3rd from the 12th house which is considered as Dusthana lord and the 3rd house is with Moon which is 8th from Saggitarius and this combination is considered as Vipareeta Raja Yoga and when Rajiv gandhi was born it paved the way for ascending the power to his maternal grand father Jawahar lal Nehru.
When we take 4th house as the house of mother the 9th from there will be the maternal grand-father house which is 9th house.
Here in the D-12 chart 4th house is Aries and 9th from there is Saggitarius which is the house of his Maternal Grand father.
In the year 1944-47 when the British where ruling Jawhar lal Nehru took over the leadership of the interim government and later in the year 1947-49 the 9th house from the D-12 lagna was operating which is Virgo and it is with Mars the 5th lord from Saggtarius.. It eing with Sun denotes a new beginning and from Saggitarius ite planets Sun and Mars are placed in the 10th house and he became the first PM of India
The next Narayana dasa is that of Aries from 1949-54 and then the dasa period of Scorpio from 1954-64 India saw that it lost its prime minister Jawahar lal Nehru.
Here the next PM of India was Indira Gandhi and we find that the 4th lord Mars in the D-12 chart is also in the 9th house along with Mars giving us a clue that even mother became the PM of India after he father.
In the chart of Rajiv Gandhi we find that 9th lord father Mercury is in the 7th house from the D-12 lagna tells that he had a difference of opinion with his father and also 4th lord Mars denoting mother with 8th lord Sun indicating the seperation of the parents.
In the year 1960 his father Feroz Gandhi passed away and here the 3rd house has to be seen from the 9th house from D-12 lagna and here the 3rd house is Scorpio from Virgo and we find that Saturn is placed indicating some sickness due to which his father passed away.
6th house shows rivalry or competetion and in this chart we find that the 6th is Gemini with lord Mercury in the 7th house indicating that the family has lost power
Again with the advent of Capricorn Narayana dasa which is the lagna itself a new beginning for the mother started as from the 4th the lagna is placed in the 10th house of karma bhava and also rise in the power and its was during the antar dasa of Leo which is 5th from the 4th she became the PM of India agai.
Note that Rahu is placed in the 5th from 4th and it made her use extra powers to declare emergency in India and during the Pisces dasa she lost power as it is 12th from the 4th house
Narayana Dasa of D-12 (Trd) chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):
Maha Dasas:
Aq: 1944-08-20 (7:11:00) - 1947-08-21 (1:35:17)
Vi: 1947-08-21 (1:35:17) - 1949-08-20 (14:01:25)
Ar: 1949-08-20 (14:01:25) - 1954-08-20 (20:41:19)
Sc: 1954-08-20 (20:41:19) - 1964-08-20 (10:08:44)
Ge: 1964-08-20 (10:08:44) - 1965-08-20 (16:24:07)
Cp: 1965-08-20 (16:24:07) - 1967-08-21 (4:36:22)
Le: 1967-08-21 (4:36:22) - 1978-08-21 (0:13:54)
Pi: 1978-08-21 (0:13:54) - 1981-08-20 (18:52:33)
Li: 1981-08-20 (18:52:33) - 1987-08-21 (7:36:13)
Ta: 1987-08-21 (7:36:13) - 1998-08-21 (3:11:56)
Sg: 1998-08-21 (3:11:56) - 2010-08-21 (4:58:33)
Cn: 2010-08-21 (4:58:33) - 2015-08-21 (11:47:19)
Aq: 2015-08-21 (11:47:19) - 2024-08-20 (19:10:05)
Vi: 2024-08-20 (19:10:05) - 2034-08-21 (8:32:38)
Ar: 2034-08-21 (8:32:38) - 2041-08-21 (3:44:00)
Sc: 2041-08-21 (3:44:00) - 2043-08-21 (16:01:42)
Ge: 2043-08-21 (16:01:42) - 2054-08-21 (11:36:21)
Cp: 2054-08-21 (11:36:21) - 2064-08-21 (1:12:40)
Le: 2064-08-21 (1:12:40) - 2065-08-21 (7:19:29)
Pi: 2065-08-21 (7:19:29) - 2074-08-21 (14:35:16)
Li: 2074-08-21 (14:35:16) - 2080-08-21 (3:32:36)
Ta: 2080-08-21 (3:32:36) - 2081-08-21 (9:36:17)
Sg: 2081-08-21 (9:36:17) - 2081-08-21 (9:36:17)
Cn: 2081-08-21 (9:36:17) - 2088-08-21 (4:45:52)
The period of Pisces is that of 1978-81and later in the Libra dasa from 1981-1987 she again gained power but only to be assassinated as the Libra is the maraca for her mother being in the 7th from the 4th
12th is considered as the exit of the family member from the 4th house indicating loss to him through his mother as she was killed by her Guards . It was Libra-Virgo that she was killed in the year 31st October 1984.. Here Sun represennts the bullets fired at her..
The assailants had fired 33 bullets at her, of which 30 had hit; 23 had passed through her body, while seven remained inside. Dogra extracted bullets to establish the identity of the weapons and to correlate each weapon with the bullets recovered by ballistic examination.
6 represents Venus 5 represents Mercury and 3 represents Jupiter
