Telangana state and Liquor scam 2021-2023
Telangana was formed as the 29th Indian state on June 2nd 2014. The planetary configuration on this day is as follows:
Rising Moon-Karakataka
Moon star-Pushyami
Star lord-Saturn
Rising Sun-Vrisabha
Darker Moon-Sukhla Paksha
Based on the Moon sign and taking it as Lagna(st house or self) the following are the planetary combinations on 2nd June 2014
Moon takes 2 and half takes to change the sign
Jupiter takes 1 year to change the sign
Saturn takes 2 and half years to change the sign
Mars takes 6 to 7 weeks to change the sign
Venus takes 1 month to change the sign
Rahu and Ketu takes 18 months to change the sign
Sun takes 1 month to change the sign
Mercury takes 1 month to change the sign
Moon chart is enclosed here:

The present day Saturn is transiting in the sign of Kumbha from the Natal Moon and this is called as Ashtama shani and this can bring troubles to the state in various matters relating to the state.
The 4th has Shani exalted with Rahu denoting that the states will have all sorts of issues at the home front as kendra are vishnu bhavas and malefics cannot be exalted in this house and note that Saturn is lord of the 7th and 8th while Rahu is the lord of the 8th house...
All the planets are in the axis of Rahu and Ketu hence this is a kala sarpa yoga and the axis is between 4th house and 10th house.. KSY will keep the people or the rulers of the state or country into a mode of earning money without considering its citziens while KAY will ensure that the state or country will be put into a path of spirituality.
The area of bondage depends on the placement of nodes ie rahu and ketu and here from Moon we find that Rahu in 4th(happiness,properties) while Ketu in the 10th(Career and profession).
Rahu is placed in the 10th house and it is lord of the 8th house denoting that the moment the state is formed the state will fall in bad debts and here Saturn is exalted in the 4th house and bein the lord of the 7th house then here we should note that some external people in the form of partners will tend to ensure that properties are built in the state...
From Moon lagna Mercury the karaka for businessmen and Jupiter the karaka for intelligence and knowledge are placed in the 12th house denoting losses relating to the karakatwa of Mercury and Jupiter. Planets in the 12th house will ultimately gives the results of Saturn as he is the karaka for the 12th house.
The kalasarpa yoga is broken when we see the planets are joined with the nodes and here we find that Saturn is with Rahu while Venus is with Ketu. So Venus being a benefic planet will ensure the break of this yoga and here KAMALATMIKA MANTRA is meant to break this yoga.
Venus is the lord of the 4th house in conjunction with 5th lord Ketu in the 10th house of karma and this sign 10th house is aspecting by Saturn,Rahu and there is no benefic aspect on this sign leading to bad karma for the state.
Below is the transit chart of November 2021 when the scam came to light when Manish Sisodia was arrested and remanded
On November 2021 the liquor scame came into light and here we find that Rahu was transiting the natal Sun at the time when the telangana was created and also we find that Jupiter was transiting Makara rasi along with Saturn and being aspected by Rahu making Jupiter weak which is already weak(Debiliated)
In this chart we find that Jupiter, Saturn and Venus came out of the axis of Rahu and Ketu
