Solar Eclipse 2020
This solar is the last of all eclipsed occurred during the year 2020. The eclipse occurs on Jun 21st 2020 which happens to be Sunday and it is visible through the African continent,Congo,Ethiopia,Southe of Pakistan and Northern Part of India and China.
For Oman and India it will be the 2nd Annual eclipse after December 2019 eclipse.
This is an annular solar eclipse and the duration of the maximum eclipse will be of 38 seconds.and the the coordinates are 30.30.5N and 79.7E.
This eclipse is connected to saros 137 cycle where such eclipses occur every 18 years.
Solar eclipse occurs when Moon comes in between Earth and Sun there by forming a shadow on the earth.THIS eclipse is termed as ring of fire or Madhya Tamas in Jyotish terms.
The eclipse date is 21st June 2020 hence all those who are born during the month of June from 21st onwards till end of June 2020 can check their charts.
As Sun is involved in this eclipse is occurring in the sign of Gemini hence peoplease who their Moon sign in Gemini or rising lagna is Gemini or Sun in Gemini have to be more concerned about this eclipse.
The eclipse is occurring in the star of Punarvasu hence people who are born in this star or whose names starts with letter with ke,kay,ko,ha,hi,hee.
As this eclipse is occurring in the sign of Gemini and it is 2nd house of India chart and when we say 2nd house it is the house of sustenance,resources,food and money we store.All these will get impacted for our country at large and here we also find that Mars is already placed in this sign. Mars is the lord of 12th house of enemies and losses and 7th house of partnerships and opposite people.
Here we also find that Sun is the lord of 4th house of homeland and being with rahu and causing Grahana to sun itself indicates that the country at large will face issues after this eclipse.
This can be in the form of Agression,loss of property,financial crunch and shtorage of food. For USA it is occurring in the 7th house of partnerships and business and for China it will be in the 6th house of disease and enemity.
Any planet so placed in the star of Punarvasu will have a impact of this eclipse.As this eclipse is taking place after Lunar eclipse it's impact will be negative.
The effects of the eclipse will be for a period of 6 months
It is better not to look at eclipse directly
Taking head bath before and after eclipse is recommended
During the eclipse time it is advised to recite Surya mantras or your Ista devata mantras
Be safe and stay safe
