Saturn transit
Saturn is the natural lord of th 10th house which is our karma bhava and the sign associated is Capricorn(cout from Aries till Capricorn) and Saturn is also the keeper of books related to our karma what we did in this life
Saturn takes 2 and half years to trasit from one sign to another ad 30 year to transit the whole zodiac(12 signs). Saturn transit is considered painful as it is a very slow trasit as Saturn is called as Manda Gamana(slow moving planet)
Usually the transit of Saturn is taken from Moon sign but there is more to it as such Saturn trasit should also be counted from Lagna,Arudha lagna, Sun and Arudha pada(arudhas are the image of the original sign)Arudha means something which is rising and can be seen
The transit of Saturn and its effects on:
Lagna: Will make us commit mistakes
Moon:It will create health issues
Arudha lagna:Finances and Reputation is lost
Apart from the transit in the rasi chakra we should see the transit in other divisioal charts which can pin point the exact nature of issue the native is going to face during such Ssturn transits
Rasi=Global and circumstances
D9/Navamsa:Baghya or luck and marrage
D10/Dasamsa:Career and profession
D24/Siddhamsa:Impact on education
D12/Mother:Impact on mother
D45/Father;Impact on father
Principles of Saturn transit:
First see the transit in the rasi
Take the same Saturn in the Navamsa and see the impact(Note that Saturn stays for 3 months in Navamsa unlike 2 and half years in the rasi)
Degree wise also we can see in the rasi and check how many planets have the same degree
8th house transit
4th houae transit
Kantaka shani
Some examples:
I got married in the year 1994 August 15th. Let us see how Saturn transit is during this year
In this chart we find that Moon is placed in Gemini sign and in the Navamsa it is in Libra and during my marriage Saturn was transiting the 5th hoiuse from Moon and 7th house from Natal rasi lagna. Here we should understand that 7th is all about relationships and spouse..In the Nava tara chakra Saturn is in Sampath tara and the natural 7th house as per my chart is also Rahu lord of the kumbha rasi. Note that Szturn owns two houses 1)Capricorn 2)Aquarius.
My wife passed away in the year 2021 Feb and we find that Saturn was transiting inn the kumbah rasi and we also find that Ketu is placed in the 7th house of the natal Navamsa chakra

The dasa period when I lost my spouse was Satun Jupiter Saturn. So here Saturn has placed a very important role while Jupiter has also played an important role as natal Jupiter is placed in my UL and aspected by Mars,Saturn..
Lost my father in the year 2000 Feb and during this period my Saturn was transiting my natal 9th house with 8th house lord Jupiter in the sign of Aries, Aries is badhaka sign and in the D24 which is the house of our father here I find that Mars is transiting my 9th house and debiliated and the 9th lord is debiliated in the sign of Vrischika. Saturn is aspecting my transit 9th house and also the lagna by 3rrd and 7th house dristi. and in my natal D45 rischika is my 9th hoiuse and the lord is Ketu in the sign of canncer...

Kantaka shani happens when Saturn has aspected the 10th and it has to be seen from Moon,Lagna,Arudha lagna then problem arises for the nativfe
From Moon shows your motivation and drive whether society is obsttucting it
From Lagna shows your wrong thinking and making mistakes
From Arudha lagna your social aspecct is inhibited so that our earning is less and job situation is bad
Saturn when placed in the 10th house it will aspect 4th,12th and 7th then also he will create problems as 4th is disease cure,12th house is praying and 7th is business or relationship with the partner.. Saturn when in lagna he will disturb your health and also aspects the other houses like 7th house and 3rd house
Saturn when aspecting 8th house is asthama shani hence 2d house which is wealth and speech and 5th house of mantra and future will be obstructed by shani..8th is the house of prediction hence prediction will go wrong by the astrologer.
Rasi is all about resources while Nakshatra is about the mind and also the career
to be continued....