We know that Sun changes its sign a degree per day and for a month 30 degrees. Hence every month the Sun changes its signs and covers all the 12 signs of the rasi chakra.
One sign is equal to 30 degree and 12 signs is equal to 360 degrees which is the circumference of the earth.
During the birth when say Sun is changing its sign and is between 0-1 degree of a sign this is denoted as Sankranti dosha and a serious remedial measure is required to remedy this flaw in the chart. Depending on the day native is born the Dosha is defined We all know that the Sun is the overlord of the day and Moon is the overlord for the star. Hence depending on the day in which a native is born the day is given a specific name
Sunday-Ghora Monday-Dhvamski Tuesday-Mandari Wednesday-Manda. Thursday-Mandakini. Friday-Misra, Saturday-Raksasi.
Depending on the ownership of the Sun as per the lagna rising and the placement of the Sun the effects are pronounced.
Ritual has to be performed by a competent priest who can perform the ritual and understands mantras very well
