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Rules in Jyotish

In this article we will discuss about how to analyze a chart and what needs to be checked when analyzing a chart in order to get correct results.

Each varga chakra is controlled by a planet called as it becomes the significator of that varga chakra. For example let us say we want to see D-10(Dasamsa) then Mercury will be controlling the varga chakra related to D-10 as it is the chart of career and our growth. In the same way if we are looking at D-4(chaturthamsa) then Moon becomes the Primary significator as Moon denotes mother and all the assets we acquire during our life time.

If the Lagnesh(Lagna lord),Vargesh(Varga chakra significator) and Karaka(every varga has a karaka) are all placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) or Trikona(5,9) then the areas controlled by that varga chakra will prosper in the entire life of the native

Let us take an example of D-7. D-7 is called as Saptamamsha as it is connected to child birth.If the Venus(semen),Jupiter(natural significator of child) and the lagna lord of the rasi chakra are well placed in Kendra or Trikona then we can say that the native is extremely happy with respect to his children.

If the planets are placed in 1,4,5,7,9,10 and 11 are nicely placed in the varga then such varga chakra will prosper and if there is any planet in the 2nd house then the native is lucky with respect to finances but not with respect to family relationship as 2nd is 8th from the 7th.

Planets which are acquiring Drig Bala(Direction strength) will give results and they are strong

Jupiter and Mercury in the lagna

Moon and Venus in the 4th house

Saturn in the 7th house

Mars and Sun in the 10th house

Planets placed in 3,6,8,12 or if the lords of these associated are somehow placed in any varga chakra then the results will be bad as these are considered as Dusthanas. Here note that there is an exception to this rule. Saturn in the 8th is good,Mars in the 6th is good and Venus in the 12th will always give good results.

Vipareeta Raja Yoga is that where the lords of the 6,8,12 falls into any dusthana bhavas. In this case native will face initial challenges in his life and will lead to better life in the future.VRY should not be conjoined by any other planets as it may lead to dilution of such Yoga.

Malefic lords if placed in 3,6,10,11(Upachaya) are good as native makes progress his life.Upachaya denotes growth

Planetary placement should always be strong like being placed in the own sign,Friends signs,Moolatrikona or the sign of exaltation as they tend to give good results. If a planet is strong placed in the rasi chakra but badly placed or weak in the Varga chakra then the results will get modified by high to low.

Neecha Grahas or grahas which are combust or grahas which are with its enemies or in a enemy sign the results will be weak and poor

Any planet placed in the same sign in the rasi chakra or D-9 or any varga chakra becomes powerful by the blessing of such planetary placement.

For Movable sign the blessing comes from Brahma

For Fixed sign the blessing comes from Shiva

For Dual sign the blessing comes from Vishnu.

Jupiter associating with any sign or aspecting any sign will only enhance the qualities of that sign even though it is placed in an enemy sign.

Planetary placement needs to be studied in the rasi,D-9 or Varga chakra and see whether they are strong or weak. Strength of these planets will enhance the quality of the varga chakra it is placed in and reverse when weak.

When seeing the samandha of the planets in the rasi chakra we should know that planets of the Mahadasha and the antardasha should not be inimical to each other as they tend to obstruct the outcome of such dasa and at the same time the distance between the MD or AD lord should not be 6/8,2/12 as bad results can be expected. 6/8 is disease and death,enemity or debts whereas 2/12 is bandhana yoga which can result in imprisonment in jail or house arrest depending on whether planets are malefics or beneics

Dasa CHIDRA has be to check whether any issue is cropping up in the MD or AD period and necessary remedial measures initiated. No planet should be operating simultaneously and placed in the 2nd or 7th from Mahadasha lord as it leads to death of the native.

Lagna placed in any varga chakra rules all the outcome associated with that varga chakra. Like for example if the lagna lord of the D-10 is badly placed then natives career will be disturbed as Lagna denotes self.

With respect to strength of the planet using Bhinna-Ashtakavarga and Sarva-Ashtakavarga it is very important ot check for the points given as any thing more than 28 is good and anything less than 24 is bad. The same applies to SAV anything less than 5 is bad and anything more than 8 is good.

Malefics planets transiting the sign which is having 28 points bad results are reduced whereas any benefic planet transiting a sign having 28 points good results are enhanced.

Looking for curses is important in the rashichakra and necessary remedial measures are to be recommended for such curses. See Moola dasa for the final analysis of the curse.The most benefic planet when comes under curse gives the most bad results.

Transits has to be checked from Sun,Moon,Arudha lagna and Arudha padas and also transit from Moon in the Navamsa is very important as it shows what is in hold for us as Navamsa denotes baghya or luck in this life.

Planetary aspects are good if the planet is benefic and reverse it is bad...Planetary aspects are temporary and only work during the dasa periods operating where sign aspect it permanent and work through out the life.


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