Rajinikanth(Rags to Riches)
There is no special introduction to be given for this native as he is very famous in South India Cinema whether it is Tollywood(Telugu),Bollywood(Hindi) or Kollywood(Kannada) and Tamil.His life started from being a Conductor in Bangalore State Transportation and with a unique style of mannerism life throwing the cigarette to his mouth and typical style of walking.Once he was approached by a famous Director Shri Balachander who offered him roles in Tamil movies.
In the year 1973 he joined Madras Film Institute to pursue acting and in the year 1975 he acted in the movie APOORVA RAAGANGAL and never looked back till date. All his movies all blockbusters.
Let us analyze his chart:
The chart is rising with Simha Lagna and the lagna lord is in Vrischika rasi aspected by his atmakaraka Rahu. If AK aspects the lagna or the lagna by graha dristi native will rise in his life at a large life..Jupiter which is a most benefic planet as per Jyotish is also aspecting his lagna by graha dristi making him a very down to earth and pious man...If Jupiter aspects any bhavas it is state that native is saved by unknown dangers or calamities. Jupiter is akin to Vishnu and Sun is akin to Shiva...
Here the chara amatyakaraka is Surya(Sun) placed in the vrischika rasi and in Jyeshta Nakshatra.Lord of Jyeshta is Mercury who is with Venus the lord of the 10th House(karma bhava) and in the 5th house(Poorva Punya) ensuring that his final destination is movies. Venus dentes entertainment and Mercury is communicating and mimicking. Here we should also note that Mercury is the lord of the 2nd house(voice).
Rahu being the chara Atmakaraka makes him very spiritual and being placed in the 8th house of secrecy and in the sign of Pisces(The bhava associated with oceans and Rishis).People of India and abroad consider him a very spiritual person and he got huge fans in India and abroad(Specially Japan and China)
Principle:1,4,7,10 are considered as bhavas of Vishnu where as 5,9 are considered the bhavas of Lakshmi hence when these two bhava lords are conjoined in another bhava(specially trines) it is considered as Lakshmi Narayana Yoga(A yoga of fulfilment of desire of every sort)
Of Course this we may not find in his chart but what we can see that 10th lord and 2nd and 11th lord are in the 5th house(Trines) giving him the benefit of having a good and prosperous life.
There is a poorna Parivartana between Rahu and Jupiter as both these planets are in placed in each other signs. Rahu in the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter in the sign of Rahu..Hence there is exchange of bhavas and their results. Jupiter acts as if he is in his own sign(Pisces) and Rahu as if in Kumbha.
His Navamsa chart is having his 10th lord Mercury exalted in his D9 lagna and his Rahu is placed in the 10th house of the D10 . His first major hit came about in the year 1980 during the Rahu Mahadasha and as said Parivartana has worked and Rahu has given its results as being in the 7th house
Lagna lord in the 4th house denotes that he has lost his mother during his younger ages Moon is chara atmakaraka placed in the sign of Capricorn and Sun being placed in the 4th house and is in the badhaka sign from Moon(Capricorn is a movable sign hence 11th from Capricorn becomes Badhaka rasi).Also we find that A4 is in the 12th house in the sign of Caner from his natal lagna which is again a badhaka sign from the 4th house(for fixed sign the 9th house will become badhaka sign)
His early education was from a government school and we find that his 4th house(Primary education) is having in the sign of Mars. He was considered as a mischievous person during this school days.
From the year 2002 till 2010 he struggled to keep his foot hold in movies as his first movie BABA flopped at book office and he had to share his money with the people who made this movie.
Saturn and Ketu placed in the 2nd house is not good as it akin to Pisacha badhaka and his saturn dasa started in the year 1998 and Mercury antardasha started from 2001-2004. Mercury is the lord of the 2nd house with A2. 11th being the house of gains and the lord Mercury is placed in the 7th from its own house(Gemini). Here we should note that for Gemini which is a dual sign the badhaka sign will be Sagittarius where Mercury is placed hence the expected gains have not realised for the movie BABA. In the Pratyantar dasa of Venus movie was released(15th August 2002).Any planet conjoing with badhakesa that planet will also create badhaka for the native
His marriage took place 26th Feb 1981 and the dasa period was of Rahu-Moon-Saturn.
Here we should see the UL lord which is Mars and it is with Moon hence Mars will direct its energy to Moon and Saturn is the secondary lord of 7th house and it has brought his wife to him during the Pratyantar dasa period. The other way of understanding is:
To check the 12th house from Venus(karaka for wife) and the planets placed there will bring marriage to the native. Here Moon and Mars are placed in the 12th from Venus and the first antardasha of Moon was operating during his marriage..And also we should also see which planet is placed in the 12th from Lagna and even this planet or lord in the 12th house can bring about marriage for the native(Principle given by Pt Sanjay Rath)
Now the dasa of Mercury-Mercury is operating. Moon is placed in Makara rasi and Mercury is the lord of the 6th and 9th house and it is placed in the 12th from Moon. He wanted to join politics as Gemini is with GL(Power and authority) and wanted to judge his luck. But in the Kanya rasi he has Saturn and Ketu restricted him and at some point of time he did not say anything about his entry into politics..Saturn restricts everything and being in the sign of Kanya it restricted his reach to his group(2nd House).
Rahu Pratyantar was operating from 26.4.2019 till 09-09-2019 and here we find that Rahu is giving the results of Jupiter as if he is placed in the 7th house. 7th house is not a good house as it the house of Rudra.
When analyzing a chart we need to see the planetary placement from all aspects like
Arudha lagna
Arudha rising in a sign or conjoining the planet
Transits from Moon and from Natal planets
Aspects and Conjunctions
Finally what is the baghya associated has to be seen from Navamsa for over all prosperity of the native and varga chakra if specific life pattern has to be checked