PVR Narasimha Rao-Ex PM of India
Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao(28 June 1921 – 23 December 2004) was an Indianlawyerandpoliticianwho served as the9thPrime Minister of Indiafrom 1991 to 1996. His ascendancy to the prime ministership was politically significant in that he was the second holder of this office from a non-Hindi-speaking region and the first fromSouthern India. He led an important administration, overseeing a majoreconomic transformationand several home incidents affecting national security of India.[3]Rao, who held theIndustries portfolio, was personally responsible for the dismantling of theLicence Raj, as this came under the purview of theMinistry of Commerce and Industry, reversing thesocialistpolicies ofRajiv Gandhi's government.[4]He is often referred to as the"Father of Indian Economic Reforms".[5][6]Future prime ministersAtal Bihari VajpayeeandManmohan Singhcontinued the economic reform policies pioneered by Rao's government. He employed Dr. Manmohan Singh as hisFinance Ministerto embark on historic economic transition. With Rao's mandate, Dr. Manmohan Singh launched India'sglobalisationangle of the reforms that implemented theInternational Monetary Fund(IMF) policies to rescue thealmost bankrupt nation from economic collapse.[4]Rao was also referred to asChanakyafor his ability to steer economic and political legislation through the parliament at a time when he headed aminority government.[7][8]
On June 28th 1921 he was born in a village in Warangal district to a Brahmin family and later on he was adopted by Vangara family of Karimnagar district which is now part of Telengana. The birth details of Shri Narasimha rao is June 28th 1921 12:49 PM Warangal district. Let us examine his chart:
Lagna is rising in Kanya and the lagnesh is Mercury with Sun and Mars in the 10th house.Mercury is retrograde. Lagnesh when conjoins Sun this denotes a native who is extremely intelligent and when it conjoins Mars it denotes a native who is good in analyzing and breaking down the complex questions to arrive at answers. Here we also find that Sun and Mars are in the 10th house in Digbala(directional strength) hence making it powerful in the 10th house of Karma..
When the lords of the 3rd,8th and 12th are in kendra with lagnesh this itself is a Vipareeta Raja yoga and this Raja yoga has made him the PM of India...
4th house denotes the house of Mother and motherland and the lord is Jupiter in the 12th house along with 5th and 6th lord ensured that he has left his place of birth and gone to other place to live(karimnagar). The planets Saturn and Jupiter are Matrukaraka and Pitrukaraka and being in the 12th house denotes leaving or exiting from his life.
He is know to be a very simple and down to earth person and this we can see from the 8th house where we find Ketu with Venus. Ketu is a planet of Moksha and Venus is the planet of money and entertainment and when both these planets are conjoined such natives tends to become Sanyasi or try to embrace Sanyasi..Here we find that this is not a full fledged Sanyasi yoga as Saturn is never part of this combination either by Graha dristi or Conjunction but Saturn aspects this combination by rasi dristi..Hence PVR had an inclination to become Sanyasi in his life but could not do so as Destiny had give him a different role to play.
Mars is a planet of aggression and being the 3rd and 8th lord and Yuti with Lagnesh and Sun ensured that he had active role played in early freedom struggle movement of India and also helped him to ascend to the throne of PM of India...
When lagna denotes the self Arudha lagna denotes the image of the self and here we find that his AL is in Dhanus and it had made him a very well know person for his knowledge and he being a very down to earth person.Lord of the Arudha lagna is in 9th from AL and 12th from Lagna...Jupiter as the lord of the AL in 12th is not good as it tends to give the results of Saturn and here we should also note that Jupiter and Saturn are in the sign of Leo the natural house of power and authority...
A7 is placed in the sign of Makara hence lagna related to Makara should become his partners in business or politics and here we also find that Saturn the dispositor of Makara is placed in the 12th house denoting the secret enemies to him and we know that Smt Sonia Gandhi was born in Makara lagna..
PVR Narasimha rao was true Sanyasi with respect to money as he never had the inclination to earn money even though he was a very powerful man in the years of his political outlook. His 2nd house is having Rahu which is a dire enemy for the natural karaka of the 2nd house Jupiter and also we find that as per the SAV his 2nd house is very weak with 22 points and 11th house with 25 points.
He has a great knowledge in various dialects and it is believed that he know around 21 languages which he can speak fluently. Saturn the lord of intelligence is with Jupiter the planet of Dhi Sakhti...
He became PM of India in the year 1990 during the Mars Maha dasa between 1990-1997 and here Mars is in the 10th house in digbala and aspecting his lagna(4th house aspect), GL(7th house aspect) and HL(8th house aspect) and this Mars is a perfect Yoga giving planet as it is 3rd and 8th lord with lagna lord Mercury and 12th Lord Sun(VRY functioned during the Mars Maha dasa).
On 21st June 1991 he became the PM of India and here we find that antar dasa Rahu was operating in Maha dasa of Mars...In the D-10 chart we find that both these planet are in the 10th house of career and profession and on 16th May 1996(5 years later) he quit his office and he was succeeded by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The dasa operating was that of Mars and Sun and in the D-10 chart Sun is debilitated and also it is the lord of the 8th house(retirement).
He died of heart attack and here we find should know the circumstances of death and for this we have to see the 3rd from arudha lagna..The dasa period where that of Rahu and Saturn and these two malefic are having graha dristi on the 3rd house from arudha lagna making it more malefic...The Shoola dasa operating was that of Dhanus and Moon and Mars are aspecting this Shoola sign indicating death. Moon and Mars are considered as Rudra yoga. Rud means to cry...The death came in the year 2004 on Dec 9th when the dasa of Rahu and Saturn are operating. Taking the Rahu as lagna we see that his Jupiter the 3rd lord of Chest and 4th lord Saturn as the lord of heart as in badhaka sign and the badhakesa is Sun also the lord of the 12th house(exit from world).
He was 83 years old when he left this mortal world.
On 28th June 2020 it will be his 100th birthday and let us pray for his soul to be in a state of bliss where-ever it is...