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Pravesha Chakra

There are two types of Pravesha chakras. 1)Dasha Pravesh chakra 2)Tithi Pravesh chakra. The difference between two is that Dasha Pravesh chakra(DPC) is applicable to only the dasa in operation where Tithi Pravesh Chakra is application from the starting of the birth date to the end of the birth date which is for a period of 12 months. Hence TPC is applicable for a period of 1 year. In this article we would discuss about the TPC and how to analyze the TPC chart for the events to come in the 12 month period.

Hora lord and Vara lords are to seen in the TPC as Hora lord show our focus and Vara Lord would denote the focus on health and energy..The TPC is a good tool if we want to analyze shorter period of times as it is a compressed dasa period for a period of 1 year.

TPC should be analyzed just like we analyze the rasi chakra but with few exceptions.These are as follows:

Lagna:Lagna is the key which would divert the energies of the natal chart to that of the TPC. Here we need to understand that if the Natal lagna and the TPC lagna are in kendra to each other then the 1 year period will usher happiness and if the same placement is of Trikona then prosperity will usher in the native life and if the placement is that of dusthanas or Badhaka Sthana then we can expect troubles for the native. Lagna lord of the TPC is given the highest important as it would denote our success or failure during the 1 year period

Hora lord:The lords placement in the TPC would shows how focussed the native and the outcome. If the Hora lord is well placed then the events will be good otherwise it is bad. The bhavas which are controlled by the bhava lord also needs to be seen as to what is the focus area of the native in the coming 12 months.

We need to also see what is the yogas associated with the hora lord.The placement of the Hora lord in different varga chakras will give us a clue as to in which area the native is focussed and is prospering..

When analyzing the TPC chart we need to use Ashtottari dasa(Compressed) and also compressed Narayana dasa.

Let us take an example:

The first TPC chart is of 2018-2019.

Natal lagna of the native is Leo and the TPC lagna is Aries hence the Natal and TPC are in Trikona to each bringing about prosperity for the native. The lagnesh which is Mars is placed in the digbala(directional strength) and also exalted in the Makara rasi. Retrograde planets tends to move backwards and having its drishti on the 7th from itself which is 4th from the TPC lagna.Native lost his mother during the year 2017 September and he got an inheritance from his mother over the property. 4th denotes house,property and mother.

Hora lord is Sun being placed in the 3rd house Upachaya along with 4th Lord Moon. Sun lords the 5th house(children,Intelligence and Poorvapunya). 3rd house even though the house of upachaya it is still a trika house which is not good. Here the focus of the native is towards the growth of his children..

Weekday at the time of TPC is Wednesday and here we find that he is the lords of the 3rd and 6th house. Even though the lord is well placed in the kendra but being with Rahu the badhakesa for the Aries lagna would create issues to the native with respect to his home environment..A7 is also the lord of Mercury and during the period of 2018-2019 native had issues with respect to his spouse. Here there is a Parivartana yoga with respect to Moon and Mercury hence Moon will give results of the Mercury. and Mercury that of Moon. Moon is his chara darakaraka in the TPC chakra...Moon controls the chest and native spouse had issues with the lungs during the TPC period...The period operating was of Mercury from 21.11.2018 till 17.01.2019..Mercury gave the result of the Moon and Moon was acting as if he is with Rahu. Rahu-Moon yoga is a bad yoga which results in issues with lungs and respiration.

In the D-10 the Hora lord Sun is in 8th house and hence during this period the native was Jobless...Native has increased the rent from his property and it was during the period he was under Saturn dasa. Saturn is placed in the 9th house and aspecting the 11th house from the 3rd house drishti...11th is gains for the native but here we should also note that Saturn is badly placed in the 12th from Hora lagna...The time period of Saturn is 17.01.2019 till 18.02.2019.

7th house of our relationships and spouse and here we find that Jupiter is well placed in the Libra sign in Kendra from TPC lagna which denotes that native will not face any major troubles with respect to spouse and her health.

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