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Planetary Conjunction 2022

In this article I would like to present the upcoming planetary configuration which is destined to happen during the Month and Year of Feb 2022 and the day will be 27th and the day will be Saturn and the star in which this conjunction is occurring in Uttarasadha

Following are the planets which are conjoining in the sign of Capricorn and these are

Saturn in own sign

Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Mercury in the sign of Capricorn

Venus in the sign of Capricorn

Mars in the sign of Capricorn

The sign Capricorn is the natural sign of the 10th house and this is considered as Karma bhava and this is the sign related to Kala(Time). When planets are in the same sign this the combination of Graha Yudha which means that planets are fighting among themselves for supremacy..

We need to see which planet is higher in the degree and here we find that Saturn is in the higher degree hence Saturn will take control of his own house and this results:

Fights among the public

Blood related disease

Water Calamities

Public becoming insane and fighting among themselves

Countries fighting supremacy

Possibility of New variant

Here we find that Saturn and Mars are in the same sign and this conjunction is considered as Unmada Yoga but during the time period of April4th and 5th both these planets which are inimical in nature come close to 28th Degree and this can results in use of military force and this can bring some war like situation in countries.

Mithuna rasi gets effected due to this combination as all these planets are placed in the 8th from the Moon sign

Tula rasi also gets effected due to this combination as all these planets are placed in the 4th from the Moon sign

Dhanus will also get effected as this combination is in the 2nd from their Moon sign

Aquarius will also get effected as this combination is in the 12th from their Moon sign

What is in store for India:

India lagna is rising in Taurus sign and the combination of planets are falling in the 9th house of government. Hence the present government will feel the impact of this combination and also note that the government some drastic steps to curtail any incidents occurring in this country.

Western part of the country or the region related to western parts will face also face issues. Note that the planets like Moon,Mars,Venus and the rising lagna is falling in the star of Uttara-sadha and the lord of this star is Sun. Sun here denotes government or politics or people who connected to these two areas.

Note that all these planets are falling between Rahu and ketu axis hence forming a Kala Sarpa Yoga.

The arudha rising are A10(Karma arudha) and A3(Tritiya arudha) and these two arudhas are connected to work area, Karma,Initiatives,Fights,war,enterpenuership,younger sibblings,travelling.

There can be many changes with respect to government or their leadership and we can also see that some top polticians may die or some countries may get integrated to some other countries or it may vanish from the map.

For the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi all these planets are placed in the 3rd house from his Moon sign(Vrischika) hence he may become very enterprising and also take some very drastic steps with relating to policies and from his lagna point of view which is Tula he may feel frustrated or he may loose his happiness with respect to the things going around in the country(home front).

Out of all these planets Moon(water and mana of the people or public) is afflicted and further we also see that Venus(vehicles,marriage,relationshi) is also afflicted and finally we find that Mercury(communication,money,children,studies) is also afflicted hence all these areas are going to bear the brunt of the conjunction.

Planets placed in the star of Sun denotes that these are burnt by the Sun hence these are considered as Dagha grahas specially Venus.

Water and vehicle related accident can be seen during this period and also vehicles which are of luxurious nature may also face accidents during these coming periods after the conjunction.

In India chart we also find that Rahu is transiting the natal lagna and earlier I have written in the FB that India is going to rise in Military power in leaps and bounds.

China gets effected badly as these planets are transiting its natal lagna which is Capricorn and for Pakistan it will be its 10th house hence the leadership will face some back lash from the public...

Degree wise if you can see the planets which are in the sign of Capricorn and also you can see what planets are placed in your chart degree wise and planets which are owing houses in your horoscope then you will see that those areas are getting triggered due to close proximity of these grahas(specially malefic planets like Saturn and Mars)

Only remedy lies in keeping Calm during these periods as madness and fear will prevail and pray to the Navagrahas for their blessing


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