Pakistan and Present day
The present dasa as per the Narayana dasa is that of Capricorn and the dasa started from 14.8.2021 till 15.-9.2027. From the natal lagna Capricorn is the natural 10th house and here we find that Mars is aspecting this bhava by 8th house dirshti and Rahu is aspecting by 9th house drishti. Hence if a sign is being aspected by two malefics we need to understand that the area associated with this will be under troubles and here 10th house denotes leader and here in this case it is Imran Khan
If a sign is afflicted it is permanent in nature and we all know that how the leadership of the pakistan has got the nation in troubles bringing it to the present situation.
In the sign Capricorn we find that A8 is rising and also SA7 is rising and we all know that as per the transit Saturn is transiting its own house and during the transit period the leadership will have to face lot of troubles at his home front. A7 denotes the opposite partner and here we find that China is getting involved in all the activities relating to this government and the leader. Imran khan is trying to improve his relationships with other countries will no respite.. HL is also rising and we find that the leadership will feel that being a Prime Minister of his country is ultimate goal.
Capricorn is a Vimsapada hence the calculation has to be done in reverse order and here the lord is Saturn has moved 7 places from itself and we have to deduct 1 from the 7 and we get 6 hence the period of Capricorn will be that of years from 14.08.2021 till 15-08-2027.
The present antar dasa is that of Cancer which is operating from 14.8.2021 till11.02.2022 and here the 4th house denotes the country itself from natal lagna but from the Capricorn it is 7th house the house of opposite people and relationships. Here we find that in this rasi there are many planets like Moon,Saturn,Sun,Venus and Mercury and there is a graha Yudha going on among the planets and here we find that Sun is having 28 degrees and is the clear winner...and this is the AK of the country and where ever AK is placed that gets burnt and here as it is in 4th house the country is under crisis on all fronts.
In the Vimshottari dasa it is Moon-Mercury which denotes the people of the country will not have any moral values as there in trines in the same sign..
Sun-Saturn is an enemy to each other
Moon-Mercury is an enemy to each other
Sun-Venus is an enemy to each other
Hence during these combined periods of the dasa given below the country(Pakistan) will face issues in all fronts and also from other countries at large...
For India Pakistan will always be a badhaka as Rahu the natural badhakesa is placed in the Taurus where the lagna of India is placed. Hence we find issues with our neighbor..
Moola dasa is of Mars and it is placed in the sign of Gemini and 3rd house denotes courage and we know that offlate Pakistan is sort of giving threats to India and also note that Mars is the lord of the 8th house(randhra Bhava) This dasa is operating from 14.8.2020 till 15.08.2023 where in country can get in war like mode. Mars is in the star of Ardra whose lord is Rahu and see Rahu is attacking India(Taurus lagna)
In the Mandooka dasa the present dasa is that of Pisces which is 4th from Natal D-11 lagna. So here we find that entire Pakistan as country and the people are facing issues The dasa is from 15.8.2019 till 14.8.2028
Hence the final summary is that till the year 2028 Pakistan as a whole will face lot of issues on various fronts and it will destroy itself.