Pakistan and its future
In this article a small write up with respect to Pakistan and its future....
Pakistan was formed one day before Indian attained Independence. India became Independent on 15th August 1947 and on 14th August 1947 Pakistan became Independent.The first PM of Independent Pakistan was Liaquat Ali Khan from 1947-1951 and then later 20 Leaders from various other political outfits became PM and finally as of 18th August 2018 Imran Khan a cricketer became the PM of Pakistan. The below is the chart of Pakistan and we find that Lagna rising is Mesha. Mesha rasi is the sign of war and aggression as Mars is the lord of this sign. In the chart we also find that Mars is placed in the 3rd house the house of Parkarama and boldness. When we place the chart of India and Pakistan side by side we find that Mars is placed in the same sign(Gemini) but the results are different as for India Mars is in the 2nd house from its natal lagna(Taurus) compared to that Pakistan.
The Panchanga of the Pakistan at the time of its creation is given below:
Tithi: Krishna Trayodashi (Ju) (0.09% left)
Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)
Nakshatra: Pushyami (Sa) (95.01% left)
Yoga: Siddhi (Ma) (9.94% left)
Karana: Vanija (Ve) (0.18% left)
Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Vi)
As per the Panchanga Pakistan was formed during the Tithi Krishna Trayodashi. Jupiter is the lord of this Tithi and it is placed in the Tula rasi in the 7th house the house of opposition.Tithi is a Jala tattwa graha and the karaka for relationships...Jupiter is placed in the 7th house who natural lord is Venus and the lord Venus is placed in the sign of Cancer and afflicted by Sun and Saturn. When Sun and Venus are together Sun will be hit as Sun and Venus do not get well as Sun is Sura graha and Venus is Asura graha...As per the Vara chakra Venus will treat Sun as its dire enemy...Sun is the lord of the 5th house the natural house of power and authority and Sun is the charak atmakaraka for Pakistan and badly placed in the 12th from 5th house. This denotes death like circumstance for the ruler of the country everytime and the AK is placed in the star of Aslesha whose lord is Mercury in the 4th house and lords the 3rd house and 6th house..Now both these two houses are aspected by Rahu and Mars from 2nd house and 3rd house. This results in hampering of development and constant threats to the nation at large from various enemy quarters. Mercury denotes the learning population and the learning will be very poor and also negligible...
Jupiter is in the sign Tula its dire enemy as Jupiter and Venus cannot get along well...We also find that Rahu is placed in the 2nd house and this placement is considered as very bad as 2nd house is the house of sustenance whose natural lord is Jupiter. Rahu when placed here do not get along well with Jupiter denoting bad financial affairs of the nation...For Mesha lagna Aquarius is the natural house of badhaka and the badhakesa is Rahu himself destroying the very existence of the nation...
8th house is the house of natural longevity and Ketu is placed in its own house Scorpio and Ketu is the planet of Moksha or emancipation. 8th house is the house death and disease for any nation hence Ketu is very strong in this house giving all sorts of issues to the country in the form death and destruction..Ketu is in the sign of Anuradha and lord Saturn is placed in the 4th house completing the circle of 8th and 4th house Saturn is aspecting its own sign also denoting issues faced by the nation in shrugging off the bad effects of Saturn making it very hard to come out of its debts acquired by taking loans from various countries.
Pakistan External Debt. Pakistan's External Debt reached 105.8 USD bn in Mar 2019, compared with 99.1 USD bn in the previous quarter.
As per the Navatara chakra of Pakistan we find that:
Janma Tara is Saturn
Vipat Tara is Ketu
Pratyak Tara is Sun
Naidhana Tara is Mara
All these tara would bring about bad results to the nation during their dasa periods
9th house is the house of the ruler himself whereas 10th is the government.The time when Imran Khan got elected it was Moon Mahadasha and the antardasha was that of Jupiter and here we find that Jupiter is placed in the 4th from Moon and also we find that the sign is that of Venus. Venus denotes a entertainer and Mars is in trines to Jupiter....Venus is an entertainer and in fact Imran Khan was a cricketer with name and fame.. Jupiter is the planet of name and fame but in the natural 7th house is bad for the native himself and for the nation at large..
The Pratyantar dasa operating is that of Moon and afflicted by the presence of Saturn and Sun. Moon is also badly placed in the 12th from arudha lagna. Moon is the planet of compassion and home. Moon is a sattvic graha and the best placement is in 1,4,7,10 from arudha lagna. But here being placed in the 12th from Arudha lagna denotes that the society is ignored...
A6 is the tangible enemies and competitors for the native and A6 is placed in the sign of Taurus with natural badhakesa Rahu...Rahu is the planet of terrorism hence the natural enemies which are causing destruction to the nation are none other than Rahu himself and also note that the lagna of India falls in Taurus hence Pakistan treats India as its natural.
The Narayana dasa operating as of now is that of Scorpio where Ketu is placed. The dasa was operating from 2014-2019. Malefics in the arambha rasi does not go well for the nation during the period. The next Narayana dasa is that of Sagittarius which is aspected by Mars and the period operating is from 2019 August till 2021 August which is a very crucial period for the nation itself..
In the Rudram chakra we find that Pakistan is under Taurus Rudramsa from 15th August 2011 till 15th August 2019 where Rahu is placed(Badhakesa) and the next is that of Pisces from 15th August 2019 till 14th August 2024...Pisces is the 4th house of the Rudramsa chakra hence the Mandooka is operating in the 4th house the house of sukha and home..There could be some disturbance at the home front or something related to the environment of the nation as Rudramsa chakra denotes death and destruction...A7 and A2 are the arudhas of the maraka bhavas also denoting some death and destruction..
In the D-10 chakra we find that Mars and Ketu are placed in the 9th house which denotes the house of bosses(and here it is the ruler themselves). Mars and Ketu combination is not good as it yoga of Pisacha and also the yoga related to aggression and Mindless activities. It is in the natural sign of Leo(Power and Authority).
The entry chart of the Jupiter antardasha shows the lagna rising in Cancer with Sun and Rahu and Mercury(r) rising.Sun is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by Mars making the nation vulnerable for financial crisis till the end of this year 2019.
The present transits are very bad:
Rahu transiting the 3rd house of Gemini where Mars is already placed(this is the combination of fire power,destruction and aggression)
Saturn transiting 6th house from natal Moon which is good for the nation but here we find that Saturn is with Ketu and Moon also....Ketu is the natural 8th house transiting the 9th house the house of ruler which is not good. Ketu will give the result of Moon and Saturn and it is Moksha karaka...Government will be under threat by external and internal forces.Moon is heavily afflicted in the transit also....
As of today and when writing this article the present situation in Pakistan is as follows:
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||
Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu||
