New Year Analysis
Every year when Sun moves around and touches each and every sign and finally comes back to the 12th house of the natural zodiac the new year is celebrated Now when the New year was celebrated SUN transited the Meena rasi which is the 12th house of the natural zodiac
During this time a new chart is prepared to see the outcome of the new year and the results of the new year are given by the 9 planets
Each and every planet is given a role during the next 12 months and again a new year chart is prepared for the upcoming year i,e,2023-24.
Now for the year 2022-23 following are the portfolios given to the 9 planets:
Saturn is the king
Jupiter is the minister
Mercury becomes the Army chief and also he controls the Prices of commodities, Rains and also he is the astrologer for the year 2022-2023
Sun controls the Agriculture
Venus controls the grains
Saturn is the Examiner
Moon is the Accountant
The local ruler will be Jupiter
Some other portfolios of the planets:
Vehicles are controlled by Sun(Bad)
Gemstones are controlled by Jupiter(Good)
Clothes are controlled by Mars(Bad)
Animals are controlled by Balarama(Good)
Business is controlled by Mercury(Good)
Employment is controlled by Jupiter(Good)
The local leaders are controlled by Saturn(Bad)
Some eclipses which are occurring during this year
Partial Solar eclipse:30th April 2022 and Not visible in India
Total Lunar eclipse:15th May-16th May and Not visible in India
Partial Solar eclipse:25th Oct 2022 and Not visible in India
Total Lunar eclipse:7-8th May 2022 and Not visible in India
Even though Solar eclipses are not visible in India but still they some impact on the sign and stars in which they are transiting hence necessary caution is advised. (DO NOT SEE THE ECLIPSES DIRECTLY AND WOMEN WHO ARE CARYYING SHOULD NOT VENTURE OUT)
Coming to the planetary configuration find enclosed the chart prepared at the time of new year

Based on this we will see what is the future of the world in the coming years:
Lagna rising is Gemini which means that the entire 12 months natural 3rd house is controlled as lagna is Gemini and the lagnesh is Mercury is debilitated in the 10th house of the ruler hence the rulers will be childish and they will not care for the people whom they have to take care. Note that 10th house is the house of government whereas 9th is the ruler himself. Mercury and Sun are very close to each other in the same sign and here Mercury is getting burnt because of Sun and Moon is also with Sun denoting that there is an Amavasya dosha in the 10th house relating to governments. We can expect some governments falling or getting into troubles due to some scandals coming out..
9th lord in the 12th house denotes that some foreign government or leaders will try to bring some social unrest to our country as 9th denotes government or foreign hands trying to bring some turmoil to our country
5th and 10th lord are in the 9th house denotes yoga and this is rising in the kumbha rasi and governments or the leaders will take some decisions which is connected to legislative changes...
In the sign of Capricorn we find that Saturn and Mars are conjoined and this denotes that karma will be strong and will lead to some untoward disturbance or war like situations in the country and the world over. We know that the lagna of China is Makara and here two malefic grahas are placed here making China as an entity trying to rack up some issues and enter into war like mode. Saturn Mars combination is YOGA FOR MADNESS AND MAYHEM.
There are some chances of some discovery related to material found below the earth and which is very useful for the country people and with this most of the issues related to importing will be solved.
There is a parivartana between Rahu and Venus and this parivartana is between 12th and 9th house which is not good as there is a guru chandal yoga is occurring where the present government will loose its image to some extent. GURU-CHANDAL YOGA IS A YOGA FOR BRINGING OUT THE BAD IMAGE OF THE GOVERNMENT OR INDIVIDUAL
10th house being strong and it is the lord of the 3rd house the government and leaders will take lot of initiatives during this period and also our neighboring states or countries will face some obstacles in their Economy....
In the chart of France we find that Meena lagna is rising and the 10th lord is the ruler himself and in the present Gochara the 10th lord is transiting the lagna and it is now retrograde. Hence the present ruler extending the term of rulership is possible. Macron may become the PM of France...
In the chart of USA Dhanus lagna is rising and we find that Saturn and Mars are transiting its 2nd house. Mars is the lord of 5th house and Saturn is well placed in its own sign but still there is a UNMADA YOGA ensuring that the entity will face troubles at the home front and it will sell its arsenal to earn money. Mars is the planet of war and aggression.
With respect to Individuals depending on what your Moon sign is if malefic are transiting 3rd,6th 11th house then it is good and if benefics are transiting good houses like 2nd,5th,7th,9th and 11th are good.
Apart from looking for transiting we should also see the vedha's where in a planet transiting a particular houses is blocked by some other planet blocking the results or the other planet is getting blocked by the planet in transit.
For example let us Sun is transiting a particular house and when it transits 3,6,10,11 it will give good results but if any planet/planets are transiting 9,12,4,5 houses from Sun then the results of the Sun is blocked.
Here are some other planetary vedha's:
Moon when transits 1,3,6,7,10,11 it will give good results provided it is does not have vedha in 2,4,5,8,9,12
Mars:3,6,10 and vedha 5,9,12
Mercury:2,4,6,8,10,11 and vedha 1,3,5,9,12
Jupiter:2,5,7,9,11 and vedha 3,4,8,10,12
Venus:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 and vedha 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11
Leadership will do its best India to control inflation
Foreign influence
Civil unrest
New Discoveries
Economic downfall in the world
Some legislative changes in the country
Sudden ups and downs in India economy
Price rise in India
Scanty rainfall
Increase in the price of luxurious goods
Some peace in the region of Ukraine
China tries to expand in its neighboring regions
War like situation in some water regions
Earth quakes and eruption of Volcanoes
