Nava Tara Chakra
The article helps in calculating our own Nava Tara chakra either from Lagna or Moon. There are different Nava Tara chakras and these are divided as 1)Lagna Navatara 2)Janma Nava Tara 3)Masa Navatara
Depending on strength of Lagna and Janma we have to take the appropriate and prepare the chart. If for example there are many planets in kendra to Lagna then Lagna has to be taken into account and other way around if Moon and its kendra are having more planets. The difference between the two is if Lagna is strong then native on his own efforts will come up in his life while if Moon is strong then society and people around him will help the native to come up in his life
I will take an example and explain how to calculate the Nava Tara. Nava means 9 and Tara means constellations or star.
There are 27 star and we have 9 planets hence each of the planet has 3 constellation and all these 27 stars are divided into Nava Tara.
What are the Nava Tara:
1)Janma:It refers to self and our well being and intelligence
2)Sampat:This refers to our wealth and prosperity
3)Vipat: This refers to calamity and troubles which we experience
4)Ksema:This refers to our well being and happiness
5)Pratyari:Refers to a matched enemy who is capable of inflicting death blows
6)Sadhana:Refers to the skills and efficiency which we would acquire in our life
7)Vadha: This refers to a killer Nakshatra which can be dangerous and has the capacity to inflict punishment on us
8)Mitra:This refers to a close companion like a friend or a spouse or a well wisher and it beings about close ties
Atimitra:This is more than mitra and beyound imagination and also some soul bonding or divine intervention
All the 27 stars are connected to a Vimshottari lord and further sub divided into 9 as given above
Natural Nava-Tara chakra as given below:
Nava-Tara | No | Nakshatra | No | Nakshatra | No | Nakshatra | Lord |
Janma | 1 | Aswini | 10 | Magha | 19 | Mula | Ketu |
Sampat | 2 | Bharani | 11 | P.Phalguni | 20 | P.Asadha | Venus |
Vipat | 3 | Kritika | 12 | U.Phalguni | 21 | U.Asadha | Sun |
Ksema | 4 | Rohini | 13 | Hasta | 22 | Sravana | Moon |
Pratyari | 5 | Mrigasira | 14 | Citra | 23 | Dhanista | Mars |
Sadhaka | 6 | Ardra | 15 | Swati | 24 | Satabisha | Rahu |
Vadha | 7 | Punarvasu | 16 | Visakha | 25 | P.Bhadra | Jupiter |
Mitra | 8 | Pushya | 17 | Anuradha | 26 | U,Badhra | Saturn |
Atimitra | 9 | Aslesha | 18 | Jyesta | 27 | Revati | Mercury |
Example Nava -Tara chakra when a person is born in Mrigasira star and the kendras are strong from Moon
Tara (Moon) Meaning Lord Nakshatra 1 Nakshatra 2 Nakshatra 3
Janma Birth Mars Mrig Chit Dhan
Sampat Wealth Rahu Ardr Swat Sata
Vipat Danger Jupiter Puna Visa PBha
Kshema Well-being Saturn Push Anu UBha
Pratyak Obstacles Mercury Asre Jye Reva
Saadhana Achievement Ketu Magh Mool Aswi
Naidhana Death Venus PPha PSha Bhar
Mitra Friend Sun UPha USha Krit
Parama Mitra Good friend Moon Hast Srav Rohi
In the above table we start from Mrigasira star and go forward till we reach all the 27 stars
