Marriage timming Part-2
Here we will see the respect of Mahatma Gandhi with respect to Marriage timming:
The above is the birth chart of Mahatma gandhi and he got married in the year May 1883 and we shall the dasa periods operating for him during the time he got married..The dasa periods was that of Venus-Sun-Mercury and Ketu
Venus period was from 1879-1899 which is a long period and Sun antardasa was from 08.08.1882 till 08.08.1883(1 year period) and the Sun is 12th from his Venus which means that he would have know her during this period of time and finally we have Mercury and Ketu and here we find that Mercury is the lord of the 12th house hence it would have been possible that he would got married during the Pratyantar dasa of Mercury which was operating from 24.3.1883 till 16.05.1883 The sookshma dasa was that of Saturn placed in the sign of Scorpio with the UL(UL can also give marriage).
The other method is that of Navamsa where the Mahadasha lord should somehow get connected to the Navamsa lagna or have argala on it or remove malefic argala on it. The antardasa lord should connect to the 7th lord from the Navamsa lagna or have argala or remove malefic argala. The Pratyantar dasa lord should be in trines to Venus or trines to the 7th house or its lord.
Here in the Navamsa Venus is in the 7th house and also getting connected to the Navamsa lagna lord which is Mars(secondary planet for Scorpio) and Sun the antardasa lord is having drishti on the UL and also Venus the Mahadasha lord is having argala on the Sun and the Pratyantar dasa lord which is Mercury is in trines to Venus.
This is the chart of famous bollywood star Aishwarya Rai Bachan and she got married in the year 20th April 2007. Let us examine her chart..Mars the Mahadasha lord is placed in the 8th house and retro too which was not good for the marriage longevity, Earlier to her marriage she performed Kumbha Kalyanam(8th is 2nd from 7th and malefic planets are not welcomed here, Mars is placed here which denotes manglik dosha). Now the Antardasha and Pratyantar dasa lords are connected to her UL(bringer of marriage) and also we see that Venus which is her PD lord is placed in the 12th from her 7th lord Jupiter.
In the Navamsa we find that MD lord Mars is connected to the UL and it is also the lord of the Navamsa lagna, also we find that Antardasha lord Moon is the dispositor of the A7(arudha of the 7th house) and PD lord is Venus which is the 7th lord of the Navamsa chakra.