Marriage timing
This article is based on how to time to marriage using Vimshottari dasa and Variants of Vimshottari dasa
The native of the below chart got married on August 15th 1994 and the dasa operating was Rahu-Saturn-Jupiter.
Here we will not stress more on the Mahadasha as it is a very long period and we would stress on Antardasha and Pratyantar dasa.
Antardasha denotes the person who is coming in your life and Pratyantar dasa is what the person actually feels in his life.
Saturn is the antardasa denotes that some person will come into the life of the native. Here saturn is the lord of the 7th house as the lagna is Leo. and it is the lord of the 9th house from Moon being placed in the 10th house. 10th denotes the work the native spouse is going to do in her life.. Native spouse was a teacher when the person got married and she was drawing a very less salary. Saturn denotes something which is less and small and also it denotes hardworking. All these qualities fit into the native spouse.
In the Navamsa chakra the lagna of the Navamsa is that of Cancer and 7th from it is Capricorn whose lord is again Saturn. There is lot of difference between the rasi and Navamsa. Here Navamsa has the final word as it is also the Baghyamsa. Saturn also denotes a person who is hardworking and from a middle class family.
Graha which are placed in the 12th house bring the native to the marriage hall and the altar of the mandap for the final marriage formalities to be performed. Here we find that the Pratyantar dasa is that of Jupiter which is placed in the 12th house from natal lagna..
12th is also the house of bed pleasures hence it is very important to have benefic planets in the 12th house for an early marriage and if malefics are placed then understand that marriage will be delayed.
Finally the Sookshma dasa is that of Venus which is placed in the lagna and also the lord of UL placed in Taurus. Venus is aspecting the 7th house by graha dristi..The time operating for this Venus Sookshma dasa is from 10.08.1994 til 02.09.1994.

In continuation previous article on timing the marraige I am herewith giving another method using some.principles of Jyotish
The Maha dasa lord should somehow connect to the D9 lagna or have Argala on it or remove the malefic Argala
The antardasa lord should associate with the 7th lord from Navamsa lagna or have Argala on it or remove malefic Argala
The Pratyantara dasa lord should be in trines to Venus or trines to 7th house or trines to 7th house lord.
Note:Here we are not considering rasi chakra but D9
Transit Jupiter should have some contact with 2nd house from UL and should have rasi dristi
Jupiter transit over the 7th house,the 7th lord or three Navamsa of the 7th lord can give marriage
Here is a chart of a female who got married on the same day as as per the previous chart. Marriage was performed on August 15th 1994.
The dasa period was that of Sun-Sun-Saturn and the Sookshma dasa was that of Mercury
The principle
The Mahadasha lord should associate with the Navamsa lagna or have benefic argala on it or oppose malefic argala
Sun is the Maha dasa lord associated with the Navamsa lagna(1st principle is fulfilled)
Antardasha lord should somehow connect to the 7th house lord from the Navamsa lagna or having argala on it or remove malefic argala:
Sun ia the again the antardasha lord and it is the lord of the 7th house from Navamsa lagna(2nd principle is also fulfilled)
Pratyantar dasha lord should be in trines to Venus or its 7th lord or the 7th house.
Saturn being the Pratyantar dasha lord and it is in trines(9th house) from the 7th house in the Navamsa chakra.
Sookshma dasa lord also being Mercury is operating from 14-08-1994 till 17.08.1994.Mercury is the UL lord of the rasi chakra and getting exalted in the 8th house Navamsa chakra..
The other way is to see is that Mercury the Sookshma dasa lord is in the 12th house from the natal rasi lagna which denotes that the lord will help the native to get married finally
