Marriage prospects and timming
In this article we will discuss whether a native has any prospects with respect to marriage and whether the marriage will end and how it will end.
I will use the KP system

For marriage prospects
2nd,7th and 11th are important significators and for the denial of marriage it will be 1st,6th and 10th house
For live in relationships then we have to see 5th,8th and 10th houses
For love marriage then we have to see the 5th house whereas 4th house denotes that the native will not get any sort of love and has to suffer in the marriage
For end of marriage legally we have to see the 11th house
For dual marriages we have to the Sub lord and star lord if it is Mercury then native get married twice or if Mercury is placed in the dual signs like 3rd,9th and 12th house then also dual marriage is possible
In the chart as per the KP we find that 7th Cuspal sub lord is Mercury and the Planet Mercury star lord is Jupiter.
Let us see the signficator of the planets Mercury and Jupiter
Mercury signifies-1st,2nd,3rd,7th,9th,11th
Jupiter signifies-5th,8th,9th
As Mercury being the sub lord is signifying two house of marriage which is 2,7 hence is promised...
Let us the dasa period when the native got married: Date of marriage is August 15 1994
And the dasa period during that period is:
Saturn Maha dasa
Jupiter Bukhthi
Let us what all these planets are signifying as to understand whether marriage is happening during the combined periods of these planets Sat-Jupiter-Mercury
Saturn is signifying 11,8,2,6,7
Jupiter is signifying 8,12,6,7,5
Mercury is signifying 12,11,5,8,2
Hence marriage was performed during the combined period of Saturn-Jupiter-Mercury
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||