Marriage as Per KP and Vedic
In my previous article I have discussed about some principle as per KP and here again I would stress some more points with respect to marriage
Marriage is considered as a holy act in Hindu where two souls and bodies come together to lead their life positively and healthy way..But who knows what is in store for them until and unless the charts are checked for such hiccups.
We all are aware that in every chart 7th house,the lord of the 7th house, planets in the 7th house,Venus in case of male chart and Jupiter in case of female chart and apart from this we should also see the planets of the 7th house in the Navamsa and the planets in the 12th house(This principle is applied for Vedic Jyotishi)
But in KP the cuspal sub lord of the 7th house to be considered in order to check whether marriage is promised or not...If the 7th cuspal sub lord is connected to 2nd house(extension family) or 7th house(spouse) or 11th house(desire and fulfilment) then it is assured that marriage is promised
What sort of person the native is going get married has to be seen can be seen from the 7th house as the planets placed over there will tell us about the attitude of the person. 7th house is our attitude and the planets of the 7th house or planets in the 7th house will be the attitude of the spouse.
Sun-Egoistic person
Moon-Emotional person
Mercury-Educated and Young
Jupiter-Person who is down to earth and good person
Venus-Person who is handsome or good looking
Rahu-Person who is ugly looking and hard to understand
Saturn-Person who is hardworking and industrialist
Ketu-Person who is spiritual nature
Apart from this some other factors has to be checked in order to understand whether the marriage is fruitful or not.
AL and the placement of the A7(Arudha of the 7th house) to be well placed like in Kendra or Trikona. It should not be in 2/12 or 6/8 axis
A7 denotes the characteristics of the spouse hence when AL(image of the native) and A7(spouse himself) hence the placement of these two AL and A7 should not be placed in bad houses from each other then the native tends to ignore the marriage and the spouse.
6/8 axis is enmity and Nija Dosha
2/12 axis is family and going away from family
5/9 axis is good but there will be difference of opinion between the spouses 5th(child and learner) and 9th(Guru and teacher).
When a person tries to get married it will result in delay or denial. Saturn delays the marriage,Venus when placed in the 12th will deny the marriage or it will also lead to loss of the spouse..
Curse on the UL or the 7th house or the placement of the 7th lord when being with malefics(2 or more) or aspected by malefics(2 or more) then be rest assured that native will have a tough time after the marriage as UL and malefics associated with the lord or the sign it will trigger the same.
Health of the spouse or the native himself can be seen from the lagnesh or the 7th house.If these lords or bad placed in the 6.8.12 from their bhavas then it can be told that natives will have health issues.
Marriage is conducted when the Dasa,Bhukti and Antaras of the Cuspal 7th lord is having some connection with 2nd house,7th house and 11th house(As per KP system) and at the same time if we want to time the marriage as per the Vedic system then we need to see the Dasha,Antar and Pratyantar dasa.
Maha dasa is a big period hence it can be safely ignored. When coming to Antar dasa the rules says that if the Antardasha lord is some how connected to A7 or dispositor of the A7 or it connects to 2nd or 11th Bhava then the antardasha can give marriage. It also says that if the AD lord is placed in the 2nd or 12th from UL then also marriage is possible. The Pratyantar dasa lord should be in 12th from Natal lagna as 12th house denotes pleasures of the bed and also its denotes the couple to walk onto the Pandal where the marriage takes place.
Multiple marriages takes place in a natives life if the native is not happy with the marriage hence the first marriage is from the 7th house, 2nd marriage is from 9th house and 3rd marriage is from 11th house. UL is seen for the success in the marriage and the 2nd and 8th from it will give us a clue as to how marriage breaks.
If malefics are placed in the 2nd from UL then marriage breaks with a bad end like fights,legal disputes and if benefics are in the 2nd from UL then break in the marriage is smooth and easy. 8th from UL denotes sudden death of either of the spouse.
First successful marriage is seen from UL, the 2nd marriage is seen in the 8th from and so on.
In this way we need to analyze the marriage and its outcome
