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Marakas and death inflicting planets

In this article I would be discussing about Marakas and Maraka bhavas and other principles of Jyotish where it can be used to analyze death giving planets to the self and relatives.

There is lot misconception about the Jyotish that Marakas do not work at all in Vedic Jyotish without understanding the principle with respect to this concept of Maraka...Specially this misconception is with those people who are learning KP or Nadi. Either they have not read the principles fully or they are not aware that such principles exist...

Hence it my job to clear such misconceptions and the same will be cleared by using some famous personalities charts and from where I would show how the maraka bhavas to be seen.

Maraka houses:

For self we see 2nd and 7th

8th house lord or conjunction of the 8th lord with 2nd and 7th house lord

Rudra lord(strongest of the 8th house is taken as Rudra) and also Maheshwara

7th house is considered as Rudra which is considered as Destroyer(Rudra is a fierce from of Shiva)

64th Navamsa and also 64th Navamsa from Moon

For Father we take the strongest of the Sun and Venus

For Mother we take the strongest of the Moon and Mars

This is the chart of Mahatma Gandhi who died on 30th January 1948..

Maraka bhava planets are Mars,Ketu,Jupiter and Mars as their lords and planetary placement and are considered primary maraka lords

Rahu,Mars,Mercury,Venus are aspecting 2nd and 7th house by graha drishti hence becomes the secondary maraka lords

8th house lord is Venus and being placed in its own house and very strong has become Rudra which has the capacity to kill the native

Mars is his Maheshwara which also has the capacity to kill the native

The dasa period operating at the time of his death was Jup-Ketu-Mercury...Ketu being the antardasa is the lord of the 2nd house and placed in the 4th house and aspected by Rahu by his 7th house aspect and Mars by his 4th house aspect making Ketu stronger candidate to kill the native...Mercury Pratyantar-dasa is the lord of the 12th house(exit from this mortal world)as it is dispositing Sun which is in Marana Karaka sthana and for the Tula lagna Sun is badhakesa.

This is the chart of John F Kennedy the 35th President of the USA who has been killed on 22 November 1963.The dasa periods operating at the time of his death was Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn... His 2nd lord and 7th lord is Venus and Jupiter.His Rudra is Mars. His 64th Navamsa is Jupiter,Saturn and Rahu. His 8th lord is Mars as it is in its own sign. Maraka lords never operated when he died but rather his Jup-Saturn lords which are his 64th Navamsa lords operated...Here we should note that 64th Navamsa acts just like 8th house(death)..and in other way we can say that Saturn is the lord of the 6th and 7th house from Moon and being placed in the 12th house from Moon denotes exit from the world and also the dispositor of Saturn is Moon being placed in the 12th houses does not help the 11th house(Punishment or Rudra house)

We can extend this till the level of Sookshma dasa and here we need to note that if the dispositors of the death giving planet is well placed or the planet itself is aspected by Jupiter or Mercury then such dasa periods will not give death.

This is the chart of Priyanka gandhi who father was former PM of India. Rajiv Gandhi was killed on 21st May 1991 and the dasa operating in her chart was Mercury-Sun-Saturn(Used Dwisaptati sama dasa as lagna lord is in the 7th house). Here we need to see the stronger of Sun and Venus. Sun is the strongest as he is with many planets whereas Venus is alone...

Frm Sun if we taken the Maraka lords they are Saturn and Mercury...Hence the combined periods of Mercury-Sun-Saturn killed her father...

If we taken the 9th house the Rudra is Mercury as it is 8th lord placed in Sagittarius. Lords or signs associated with Rudra can kill the natives father...For the 9th house Venus is Badhakesa placed in the Kumbha rasi and here Venus denotes women with an evil intention. In fact Rajiv Gandhi was killed by a women at Sriperumbudur..

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||

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