Lagna is seen for the overall physical attributes of the native like color but not for intelligence. Lagna cannot be seen to predict the longevity of the native. Lagna plays a important role only to the extent of understanding the characteristics of the native. Because is you which has risen in the east(Surya) lagnesh(lord of the lagna) is the intelligence of you. When you move around in the society along with your body your mind is also moving with you and trying to interact with the people around you. Now depending on who is your lagnesh is and how is placed in your chart and what planets are conjoining this Lagnesh we can say what intelligence the native is having and how he is interacting with the people around him.
Lagnesh is akin like Surya for the purpose of understanding the health of the native. Lagnesha is like Jupiter for the purpose of understanding the intelligence of the native. Hence the placement of Lagnesh from lagna, Sun and Jupiter has to be seen to check the strength of Lagnesh.
Lagnesh cannot be placed in the Dusthanas(6,8,12) but can be placed in Kendra(1,4,7,10) and Trikona(5,9).
If Lagnesh is placed in Kendra then the native will identify himself with the lord and the house in which it is placed and if the Lagnesh is placed in Trine the native would unconsciously pray to the Lagnesh for his well being.
If lagnesh is with papa grahas then it is rest assured that his health and intelligence will be a focal point and the reverse happens if the lagnesh is with good grahas like Sun,Mercury,Jupiter and Venus.
Lagnesh in the 3rd and 6th house will help the lagnesh to acquire intelligence and this yoga is called as Dhimantha Yoga(Jupiter is the karaka)Or if the lagnesh is with the lord of the 3rd and 6th then this combination also denotes Dhimantha yoga. We can understand this by using a chart.
In this chart we find that lagna is rising in Gemini and the lagnesh is Mercury debilitated but attaining Neecha Bhanga due to the presence of exalted Venus in the Pisces sign..Lagnesh being Mercury is conjoined Sun the 3rd lord giving him intelligence of the highest order. Another thing we can see is his 6th lord Mars(fire) is with Rahu(bombs) in the 8th house of Research and Death.8th rules death as Saturn is the karaka for this bhava and the dispositor is Jupiter being placed in the 12th from Saturn which denotes that his luck in not in Germany but outside Germany ruled by Kumbha rasi whose lord is Rahu...Rahu rules the western direction and Gemini is the sign of his exaltation...
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||