Kendra/Trikona and Yogas
In this article we will discuss as to what constitute Yogas and what are the bhava lords which can generate a Yoga for the native.
First Kendra's are associated with Vishnu Bhavas and these are 1st(self),4th(mother,sukha),7th(relationships and marriage) and 10th(karma,work)
Secondly Trikona's are 5th house(Poorva Punya) and 9th house(Bhaghya) which are considered as Lakshmi Bhavas.
Some rules have been defined to understand Yogas and how they are formed:
Purna Sambandha Yoga:This yoga is formed when two planets exchange their places. For example if Jupiter is placed in sign of Mars and Mars is placed in the sign of Jupiter this constitutes parivartana yoga. This yoga is permanent and operates right from the birth and throughout the life
2)Yuti Sambandha Yoga:This yoga is caused when two planets conjoin and work towards each other goals. As planets are together they form a desire to work hence this yoga is considered as weaker yoga compared to the previous yoga
3)Drishti Sambandha Yoga:Drishti is defined as when two planets have aspect to each other. The drishti yoga is also considered weak as all depends on the planets whether they have will to work towards each others goals or help each other
4)Parivartana Yoga:This yoga is an incomplete yoga hence too much of importance need not be given to this yoga.If a planet is placed in the sign of other planet let us say A) and the planet B) is not in conjunction with planet A) but only aspecting the sign of planet A).
Every planet give its result during the ages of the planet:
Sun=21 years
Moon=23 Years
Mars=27 years
Mercury=31 years
Jupiter=16 or 32 years
Venus=25 years
Saturn=36 years
Rahu=41 years
Ketu=47 years
Among the yoga's there are 5 Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas,Surya Yoga,Chandra Yoga.
Here we will discuss about Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga
All these yogas are directly connected to Kendra 1,4,7,10
There are 5 elements and each of this element is connected to a bhava
Hans Mahapurusha yoga is connected to Akash Tattwa(Jupiter)
Malavya Mahapurusha yoga is connected to Jala tattwa(Venus)
Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga is connected to Agni tattwa(Mars)
Sasha Mahapurusha yoga is connected to Vayu tattwa(Saturn)
Bhadra Mahapurusha yoga is connected Prithvi tattwa(Mercury)
If a trine lord is getting associated with a kendra lord then the yoga is full and this is called as Lakshmi(5,9) and Narayana(1,4,7,10) Yoga.
If the 10th lord is associated with a Trine lord then blessings of Shakti
If the 7th lord is associated with a Trine lord then blessings of Shiva
If the 4th lord is associated with a Trine lord then blessing of Vishnu
If the lagna lord is associated with a Trine lord then blessing of Surya
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||
