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Karaka refer to doer which means a planet which can do something and play a role with ref to a bhava. Grahas become karakas and they provide a very important information in Jyotish when applied properly to the bhavas. Bhavas prosper when the Grahas connected to them are placed nicely in the chart. Before going ahead with the introduction to Karakas first we should understand different karakas which exist in Jyotish

Naisargika karakas=Rajas Guna=Bramha

Chara Karakas=Sattva Guna=Vishnu

Sthira Karakas=Tamas Guna=Shiva

1)Naisargika karakas(natural significator):






Jupiter=Guru or Teacher

Saturn=Elder brother

Apart from this we also have bhava Karakas and these are as follows:

1st Bhava=Sun(health)

2nd Bhava=Jupiter(sustenance)

3rd Bhava=Mars(sibling)

4th Bhava=Mother(Mother and properties)

5th Bhava=Jupiter(Children)

6th Bhava=Saturn(Diseases and servants)

7th Bhava=Venus(Spouse and relationships)

8th Bhava=Saturn(past life karma and long term diseases)

9th Bhava=Jupiter(Higher education and Guru and Foreign travel)

10th Bhava=Mercury(Career)

11th Bhava=Jupiter(Gains)

12th Bhava=Saturn(losses)

These different Karkas shows different aspects of our life depending on also on what bhava is being analyzed. Let us say if we seeing 4th house which is the house of Mother,Happiness from mother,Primary education,Assets,Relationship with mother then we have to take into account the 4th house,4th lord,Moon,Planets in the 4th house and Planets aspecting the 4th house.

There are other karakas also which we will discuss here:

Planets will not control a single Bhava but a host of other bhavas which are useful in analyzing a chart Here is the table of information:

Sun:1st house,2nd house,5th house,9th house and 10th house

Moon:First house,2nd house,4th house,5th house,7th house and 12th house

Mars:1st House,3rd house,4th house,5th house,6th house

Mercury:2nd house,3rd house,4th house,5th house,7th house,10th house and 11th house

Jupiter:1st house,2nd house,5th house,9th house and 11th house

Venus:1st house,2nd house,4th house,5th house,7th house and 12th house

Saturn:4th house,6th house,8th house,10th house,12th house

Rahu:1st house,7th house,9th house and 12th house

Ketu:4th house and 12th house

Cara Karaka:There are 8 Cara Karaka and these control a specific karakatwa depending on the degree in which it is placed in the chart at the time of birth. 8 Karkas are assigned to humans and 7 karakas are assigned to non-living things.Sun-Rahu is for living beings and Rahu is excluded for non-living thing.

AK(atmakaraka):The soul or the king of the chart

AmK(Amatyakaraka):Advisors or Ministers

BK(Bhratrakaraka):Brothers or Gurus

MK(Matrukaraka):Mother/Maternal relatives

PiK(Pitrukaraka):Father/Paternal relatives

PuK(Putrakaraka):Children and followers


DK(Darakaraka):Spouse or Lover,Business partners

Sthira karakas:

Strongest of Venus and Sun=Father

Strongest of Moon and Mars=Mother

Mars=Youngest sister,Younger brother,brother-in-law,sister-in-law

Mercury=Maternal uncles,Aunts and Maternal relatives

Jupiter=Paternal relatives,Children,Husband for females

Venus=Wife of males,maternal grandparents,father,Mother-in-law

Saturn=Elder brother and Elder sister

When analyzing a bhava the following should be considered:

1)Bhava in question


3)Bhava karaka

4)Cara Karaka


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