J&K Present transit
The Natal lagna of J&K is Dhanus,3rd house is having Moon,Rahu in Vrisabha, Saturn and Mars in Karkataka,Mercury(R),Venus and Sun in Tula and Jupiter and Ketu in 12th house
Presently Saturn the 2nd and 3rd lord and the 12th lord Ketu is transiting the lagna of J&K(Dhanus). Jupiter has come back to its natal position 12th house but in retrograde motion and the 8th lord Moon of the natal chart is transiting the 10th house...Rahu is transiting the 7th house in the transit.
Saturn is the planet of freeze and ketu is the planet of Moksha. Hence when Saturn is transiting the lagna it freezes the body and here now it is freezing the territory of J&K. Saturn is in retrograde motion and when ever the malefic planet is retrograde it is not good for any native or any territory...Lagna of the J&K is also housing A9(government),A3(movements) and GL(power and authority) and transit of Saturn even on these arudhas are under the severe scrutiny of the saturn...Apart from that Rahu(Maya) is aspecting it by 7th house aspect. Rahu is a planet of Maya and confusion and here when it aspects the lagna it will also play a major role along with Saturn. Lot of confusion is prevailing and a sudden change is expect to occur during these major transits. Jupiter is also transiting its own natal placement and it has become weak for the reason that no benefic can be in the 12th either in natal chart or transit...The transit as of now is of Kala amrita Yoga and the axis is of 1/7. which is lagna and the 7th house...
Now as per the Narayana dasa J&K is under Kanya Maha Narayana dasa and considering this as the temporary lagna we find that 4th lord Jupiter is badly placed in the 3rd house which denotes some unrest in the state of J&K. Jupiter in the 3rd is considered as Marana Karaka sthana as it destroys the house it own which is 4th and 7th from kanya and Lagna and 4th from natal lagna...In the Kanya Maha dasa the antardasha is also of Kanya which is operating from 25.11.2018 till 26.10.2019....Kanya is the 10th bhava(Karma and leaders of the Present J&K) and here we also find that A8 is rising. During the periods of signs if any arudhas are placed even these arudhas rise and here being A8 it denotes that lots of obstacles and untowards incidents will be the order of the day till the kanya dasa is over...Kanya is aspected by Saturn by graha dristi from the 8th house and Rahu is also aspecting Kanya from the 6th house by 5th house aspect denotes that Kanya is under surveillance of two great malefic Rahu and Saturn. The entire state will be under great stress which includes its leaders and citizens....
The Pratyantar dasa is that of Cancer(03.08.2019 TILL 31.08.2019) where we find that Saturn and Mars are placed(unmada yoga)is generating and both these planets are in the 8th house(death,destruction,,obstacles) from the J&K natal lagna....Again we find A5(Future and citizens),A11(gains and desires,) and A4(Home atmosphere) are under stress. A4 also denotes the assets of the territory.
Sun is transiting the Vipat Tara in Loha Murthi and Rahu in Janma Tara
