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Italy and Covid-19

In this article we will discuss about Italy and epidemic proportions of Covid-19 death cases never heard of...

The below chart is that of Italy and the date is that of July 10th 1946 18:10 PM Rome Italy.

Lagna rising is that of Tula(natural market place) and 10th lord Moon is placed in Tula and here Moon denotes society and those people who gets connected to the market place in a large way. Moon being society also denotes consumers hence large part of italy is consuming country where consumption is very high...

Some important information about Italy taken from Google:

The planetary position are as follows:


Ketu-2nd house-Vrischika

Rahu/Sun-8th house-Vrisabha

Venus/Mercury-9th house-Mithuna

Saturn-10th house-Karkataka

Mars-11th house-Simha

Jupiter(R)-12th house-Kanya

The first Covid-19 positive case was confirmed on 31st jan 2020 when 2 Chinese tourists tested positive in Rome. The period which was that of Venus-Venus-Mercury. Here we find that Venus is the lord of Lagna(rome itself) and it is also the lord of the 8th house(death,disease and transformation) in conjunction with 9th lord and 12th lord Mercury.Mercury here denotes trade and business and being the 9th lord it also denotes the government itself....In the Navamsa we find that the Pratyantar dasa lord Mercury is placed in the sign of Dhanus which is 8th from the Navamsa lagna Taurus itself....Hence the period of Mercury PD from 14.9.2020 till 01.03.2020 was very crucial for the country...(Note that in the same sign of the rasi chakra malefic planets like Saturn and ketu where also transiting)And around 7th March 2020 Rahu was transiting the sign Gemini which is a Vayu rasi and Rahu is also a Vayu graha...Venus is the chara Atmakaraka for the country Italy and Mercury is the chara Pitru karaka and Mercury the PD lord is placed in the star of Ardra(Rudra.death and destruction).. In a chart when AK and PiK are conjoined then it considered as a Raja Yoga but the AK can also bring destruction as it is the lord of the 8th house...

Antardasha Venus is still going to operate till 12.05.2020 which is its chara Atmakaraka and being the lord of the 8th house brings in lots of suffering for this country and also the same Venus is also 8th from the natal Moon...Saturn the 4th and 5th lord of Sukha is in 0 degree which is nothing but a Gandanta dosha(planet between the fire and water signs) and Saturn is the chara Darakaraka(relationships and money) and placed in the star of Punarvasu whose lord is Jupiter placed in the sign of Virgo and retrograde with Gulika. Jupiter in the 12th house is never good as per the principles of Jyotish be it exalted or in its own sign or friends sign as 12th is the domain of Saturn.

Venus and Mercury the combined dasa lords are hemmed between Rahu/Sun at one end and Saturn on the other end...This is considered as Papakartari yoga(scissors) and these two planets will be under lot of pressure(Lagna lord Venus the country itself and Mercury the business lord and lord of natural healing and business outlook)

Here also we find that Venus is Vargottama which means that Venus is placed in the same sign Gemini in rasi and Navamsa and the dispositor Mercury is placed in the 8th sign of obstacles and transformation...When we super impose Mercury on to the rasi chakra we find that 8th is getting connected to UL(expenditure), A7(partnerships and business relationships) and A6(disease)..The Rasi and Navamsa lagna is also in 6/8 axis which is also never considered good in Jyotish, 6th is enmity,disease and 8th is long term disease,debts,death and transformation..

Post May when Venus antardasa goes away we also find that Sun is moving in from 12.05.2020 and will be there till 12.05.2021 and here we find that Sun is the 11th lord of desires and gains and also the house of punishment being placed with Rahu the lord of the 5th house(Poorvapunya and citizens at large).Rahu is eclipsing Sun and both these planets are placed in the 8th house again a house of transformation and here Sun denotes administration and government. Hence there can be a major changes in these areas(government and administration)..

In the transit Guru and ketu are placed in the Dhanus rasi which is 3rd from Natal lagna and Natal Moon and here Guru when placed in the 3rd house does not like this house as it is the domain of Mars(Marana karaka for Jupiter). Jupiter denotes Jeeva or life and Ketu denotes everything which goes away. Hence we know that thousands of lives are lost in Italy.

The Narayana dasa of Leo is rising from 11.06.2019 till 11.06.2020 and Leo is considered as Arambha rasi. Hence any malefic planet rises in the Arambha rasi then it spells dooms for that nation or native. Here we find that Mars is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house which are considered as Maraka bhavas(house of death and destruction) and also Mars is placed in the 11th house which is a badhaka sthana for the Tula lagna.

8th house is considered as Rudra and for this chart we find that Venus is the Rudra planet. Rudra denotes destruction and death and earlier I have mentioned that Venus is operating right now Hence death and destruction..

In the Moola dasa we find that Italy is under Jupiter Moola dasa operating from 10.06.2009 till 11.06.2022 and again the antardasa of Venus is operating from 18.09.2020 till 11.06.2020..

The karaka dasa of Venus is also operating from 11.6.2018 till 11.6.2022. Venus is the Chara Atmakaraka for Italy(lord of the 8th house in 9th house of baghya and government)

Hence if we see the overall picture of Italy we find that this country is going through lot of trials and tribulations and Rudra is dancing. There is lot of crying going on in this country and also we know that the Italy prime Minister was crying in his speech and lifted his hands stating that he has done his best and now he is helpless.





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