Israel and present events
In this chart we will analyze the chart of Israel and the present events which the country is going through. Like in my last article we will try and analyze the events using Narayana dasa and Soola dasa. Below is the chart of Israel.

In this chart we find that lagna is rising with Kanya and the lagnesh is Mercury with 12th Lord Sun but with Sun as 12th lord is not good and these planets are placed in the 9th house of government . There is a Nipuna yoga as Sun+Mercury denotes intelligence, For this lagna the badhaka sthana is Pisces and badhakesa is Jupiter placed in its own sign Saggitarius but in Retro motion...Retro means that something is returning or moving backwards and here we find that Jupiter being retro is actually moving in Vrischika rasi...In the bhava chalit it is in the same sign saggitarius but with A8(death like situation) and A6(enemity and diseases) So the enemy will rise from Eastern direction of the country....
4th is the house of happiness in a native chart and in the chart of the country it denotes the general happiness of the people at large and Jupiter being retrograde will tend to suffer due to lack happiness from the enemies.. 4th is being aspected by Rau by 9th house dristi and also by Venus by 7th house dristi. These give mixed results in their periods. Rahu gives bad results whereas Venus gives a strong defense system which we call it as IRON DOME..
Note that Saturn is the AK of the country denoting and placed in the 11th house of the chart denoting that there is lot of determination is there in the minds of the people as it is lord of the 5th house(house of citizens) to defend their country from enemies. Note 11th is house of desire...Here Moon is chara Matrukaraka denoting mother land
As per the Narayana dasa the present dasa operating in the chart of Israel is that of Libra and we find that Ketu the 3rd lord is rising. Ketu denotes terrorism and people who are blind to what they do. Ketu is associated with soldiers who are only meant to take orders and execute.
The antar dasa is also that of Libra and the dasa timeline started from 17.9.2020 till 15.5.2021.. On 10 May 2021 there was a mob Violence which erupted leading to the present situation when 1200 bombs where used by Hamas on Israel...
The dasa period of the Violence was that of Cancer and time line is from 24.4.2021till 15.05.2021. Cancer has Saturn in it as AK denoting the periods associated with the Cancer sign will be troublesome.
The next dasa is that of Virgo where the natal lagna is rising and this being a dual sign it is aspected by planets placed in the dual sign and here we find that Jupiter and Venus are aspecting by Rasi dristi which gives us a clue that Israel as a nation will defend its country and built more such IRON DOMES IN THE COMING TIMES.The dasa period of Virgo is from 15.5.2021 till 14.01.2022.
As per the Vimshottari dasa period we find that Mars Maha dasa is operating and it lords the 3rd house of aggression and neighbours and 8th house of death and fire power and it is placed in the 12th house of secret enemies.. This Mars is in the star of Magha which is ruled by Ketu and presently Ketu Narayana dasa is operating. 2nd is Maraka house in any chart.
The Antar dasa is that of Mercury which started from 14.6.2020 till 11.6.2021 and Mercury is Lagna lord and 10th lord in the 9th house of government. Note that as per the Longevity calculations of any chart we have to see lagna lord,8th lord and 10th lord. If any of these lords are badly placed in the chart then wars or death can play a major role. Here we find that lagna lord and 10th lords are Mercury and 8th lord is Mars in the 12th house..
Further even as per the Vimshottari dasa we find that Saturn Pratyantara dasa is going on and we see that Saturn is lords of the 5th and 6th house placed in 11th house. 11th house apart from house of desire is also the house of Rudra. RUD means to cry and that is what is happening to the country and its people..
Let us see the D-11 chart which we call as Mandooka dasa..

Here we find that in the D-11 chart the lagna is rising with Ketu and 10th house is Kumbha and 8th house is Saggitarius..
The present Mandooka dasa is that of Leo-Leo-Pisces so you see that 4th lord Sun is in the 11th house of Leo bringing in danger as Sun is with A8(Mrityu arudha). 4th is country hence the country is hit badly....After that we Leo-Leo-Aquarius is rising where we find that it is one of the longevity house and the lord is Rahu placed in the 7th house in Vrischika which is not good. Here in the Kumbha we find that A6 is rising again denotes enemity and this Kumbha rasi is hemmed between two Malefic's Sun on one side and Mars on the 0ther side. The periods of 5.6.2021 till 26.6.2021 is crucial for Israel .
And on June 10 2021 Solar eclipse is scheduled and it is transiting the Taurus sign the 9th house of the chart...
Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||
Sarve Jana Sukhino Bahavantu|||