Iron Lady-Margaret Thatcher
She was considered as an Iron Lady of Britain and the longest serving Prime Minister of Britain. She succeeded James Callaghan who also served as British Prime Minister. The chart is being discussed about her rise in the Politics and also the leader of Conservative party. Her birth details can be picked from the following link:
My observations with respect to the chart of Thatcher:
1)Saturn in the lagna exalted makes the native very strong in her views and works for the down trodden people
2)Sun is her chara Atmakaraka and being in the star of Chitra star whose lord is Mars make her very outspoken and harsh in her works and the lord Mars is placed in the 12th house of enemies and loss along with AK Sun.This generates a yoga called Surya Mangala Yoga..As these two planets are placed in the 12th house and with A10 and A3 the impact can be seen on her career,Siblings and also her entrepreneur qualities. Some times the people who are interacting with her has to listen to her as Mars is the lord of the 7th house(opposite people).Her father is very close to her and he has taken all initiative to give her best of education..
(Note: AK placed in Kendra's and if any planets placed with the AK and in Kendra to the AK has to be listen to the AK as he is the king of the chart)
3)Lagna itself is in the Swati Nakshatra whose lord is Rahu placed in the 10th house the house of career. Rahu is her Chara Atmakaraka. Note that in any politician charts we find that Rahu somehow gets connected to either Amk or placed in the 10th house.Rahu is also the lord of her 5th house(Power and authority)
4)9th lord Mercury is with exalted Saturn, 9th denotes higher education and also it denotes she will become an authority related to education. Mercury denotes education as he is a child and wants to grow and learn.
5)Her 10th lord Moon is placed in the badhaka sign. Moon denotes water,friends,milk and here Saturn is aspecting the 10th house whose lord is Moon. She was accused of stopping the Milk being sent to schools for the purpose of saving money. She was nick named as "Milk Snatcher".
6)During the period of Moon(10th lord) and Mars(7th lord with Sun) she became the member of the parliament
7)During the last period of Mars and the starting Period of Rahu she became the Education Minister...Rahu is in the star of Pushyami whose lord is Saturn and conjoined with Mercury.Hence she became the Minister of Education,
8)Spouse can be seen in the 7th house from the rasi and Navamsa. In the rasi chart 7th house is empty and the lord is Mars placed in the 10th house with her AK Sun. Hence her husband has a direct impact on her career.
9)She suffered from Dementia( is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long-term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning.[2] Other common symptoms include emotional problems, difficulties with language, and a decrease in motivation.[2][3] A person's consciousness is usually not affected) since 2005. Lagna lord denotes how the intelligent the native will be and here the lagna lord is Venus aspected by Rahu from 10th house and Moon the mind is her badhakesa badly placed in the 11th house and hemmed between two malefics(Rahu in cancer and Mars and Sun in Kanya)This is bad kartari yoga(Scissors).
10)Rahu in the sign of Cancer(it is the natural 4th house and house of heart and natural healing) ensure that native will have some heart related ailments and could cause sudden demise. Rahu does everything which is sudden in nature.
11)She breathed her last on 8th April 2013 during the period of Saturn-Ketu-Rahu. Ketu is her 2nd lord(Marakesha)and Rahu also aspects her 2nd house the house of death..