Indu lagna is called as the ascendant of wealth and prosperity hence this is a special lagna which gives information about how lucky you are in getting money and what will be the source of your income.
The another way is to see your Arudha lagna and 11th house from it which will indicate your source of income. Planets in conjunction with the 11th house lord from AL or planets aspecting the 11th house from Arudha lagna will give us the source of income.
Indu lagna is used to determine the wealth and prosperity of the native. Every planet has been given a root number to calculate the Indu lagna.
Check the 9th house from lagna and also 9th house from Moon and take the root number of the lords of the 9th house from the Lagna and Moon and add up these numbers and divide by 12 the reminder should not be less than 12.
Indu lagna is also called as DHANA LAGNA
Points or Kalas given to each of these planets:
The amount of wealth blessed for the native depends on the lord of the Indu lagna and planets aspecting or conjoining the Indu lagna.
The planet associated with the Indu lagna then the Maha dasa of that planet will give wealth and prosperity to the native
Benefic planets like Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and a strong Moon will also help native to be wealthy and prosperous.
Planets which are exalted will give enormous wealth while malefic will give money at the end of the dasa period.
If there is no planet in the lagna then we have the planets placed in trines or Kendra to the Indu lagna and the periods of these lords will give wealth to the native
If there is no planet in the lagna then we have the planets placed in trines or Kendra to the Indu lagna and the periods of these lords will give wealth to the native while planets in 3,6,8,12 from Indu lagna does not give money.
Example chart:

The 9th lord from lagna is Mars and points given is 6 and from Moon it is Saturn and points given is 1 and adding this number we get 7 and dividing by 12 we get reminder 5 hence counting the 5th sign from Moon we get Libra which is the INDU LAGNA. We find that Mars and Ketu are placed in the sign aspected by Rahu. Mars and Ketu are the co-lords of the 4th house(Vrischika rasi) and here 4th denotes properties and Ketu+Mars are built up properties.
Native is not working but earning money through rents, The present dasa operating for the native is Mars Maha dasa..
Example chart:

In this chart the 9th lord from Lagna is Saturn while from Moon it is Jupiter. Hence adding the points of Saturn and Jupiter are 1+1=2 hence the reminder hence the INDU LAGNA will be Gemini from Moon. Here INDU means Moon and the native is under Saturn Maha dasa and that too it is retrograde and said above planets in the 3rd 6th 8th or 12th from Indu lagna will bring troubles to the natives with respect to money and prosperity. Native is having financial burdens during this period of Saturn.