Presently we are seeing that Bangladesh is trying to create some war like situations and has entered Indian border where in they have asked the locals of Assam to stop renovaing a temple as it would distrube the Muslims living across the border of the Inia-Bangladesh
For an event like war like situation has to be seen then we have to look at Rudramsa as this varga chekra deals with deaths and war like situation
For analyzing such charts we have to look into
Lagna,8th and 10th lord and their placements for the counries longevity and also at the 3rd,6th and 11th house to check the agression of the enemies
Here I will try and analyze the chart of Banglaesh as they where the first to start this issue

The lagna is Kanya and the lord is Merury placed in the 9th hoiuse in retrograde with Saturn. Hence Mercury is under the influence of Saturn, 10th lord is also Mercury hence the same situation while the 8th house is very strong with Mars in its own sign.
The next things we have to see is the 3rd house,6th and 11th house and here 3rd house lord is Mars and Ketu while 6th house lord is saturn and Rahu and 11th house lord is Moon. These lords will shows the weakness or the strength of the enemies and the lagna,10th and 8th lord shows the strength of the nation as these are the house of longevity.
In the Rudramsa dasa we find that presently the rudramsa dasa is that of Gemini where we find that Jupiter,Ketu and Venus are placed and this is the 10th house of the Bangladesh and in the Rudramsa chakra. RUD MEANS TO CRY. The rudra of Bangladesh is Jupiter and where ever this planet is placed it leads to death and war like activities and and from 2019 December till 2028 December Rudra is active.
This Jupiter is being asepcted by Rahu as first rate malefic making it weaker as Jupiter is all about religion and it is with Ketu it becomes health..
In the maha dasa of Gemini we find that Scorpio is operating and here Scorpio is considered as a dark sign and also a very secretive sign and also natural 8th house of the kalachakra. Mars is aspecting the 8th house by graha dristi along with Saturn and Mercury. Saturn is retrrograde along with Mercury. Here Mercury the lagna lord of the D-11 chakra is under rhe influence of Saturn.
Here the 3rd houe of the D-11 chart is that of the enemies of the Bangladesh and here it is India and when malefics are aspecting it then it makes the enemy strong hence India is a strong opposition for Bangladesh.
This is not the right time for Bangladesh to declare war with India as it would face lot of issues.
In the Vimshottari dasa we find that Jupiter antar dasa is operating from 01.11.2024 and Jupiter is Rudra for Bangladesh.
From 01.11.2024 till 20.08.2025 it is a difficult period for Bangladesh and it is better for them to hold talks and close the issue peacefully and not to interfere in each other affairs as WAR IS NOT THE SOLUTION.