India and Corona
We all know that world is reeling under severe crisis with respect to Corona Covid-19 virus which has been unleashed all over the world.
We as an India continent are also facing same issues since March 2020 but the second wave which has started a month back is creating much more problems compared to the first wave. Let us see astrologically as to why this situation has arise and what is the outcome.
First I will be seeing the Soola dasa as this dasa talks about troubles and death for a nation or a native.
When we say Soola it is the trident of the lord Shiva a the sharp 3 points of the trident represents death and destruction..

The lowest part of the soola represented by Sun and left spoke is ruled by Mars where the left spoke rod is ruled by Venus...The central point is ruled by Moon(negative or afflicted)and central spike rod is ruled by Moon again but positive. Right spike is ruled by Jupiter whereas the Right spike rod is ruled by Mercury. Saturn is assigned the staff and whereas Rahu is assigned the nakshatra after Sun and Ketu before the Sun.
In the chart of India we find that Anuradha(Saturn) Saravana(Moon) and Ashwini(Ketu) as these represents the Soola points of the trident. In order to understand the effects which we are facing now we need to see the Soola dasa .
The Present Soola dasa is that of Capricorn which started from 2019 August and will be there till 2028 August. Capricorn as per the India chart is the 9th bhava which represents the government and here also we see that A7(arudha of the 7th house) and A6(arudha of the 6th house). 7th represents opposite people or countries or states while 6th house represents disease and enemies.
First wave of coronavirus hit us around March 2020 and then continued till September and thereafter it peaked down and re-emerging on April and since then things went badly for the native as lot of deaths have been occurring due to increased case loads and shortage of oxygen in the country..
Presently Saturn is transiting its own sign Makara since January 29 2020 and it was transiting Uttarasadha. Uttarasadha as per the Soola chakra is not so dangerous hence India was not hit by the virus when it started of in Wuhan. January 27th 2020 the first case of Virus was reported in Kerala
The Sun which is the chara AK was transiting the Shraavana star which is placed in the middle spoke of the Soola chakra and this has given a rude shock to our country and government started working on how to reduce the viral effect...
Now after March 2021 we have the second wave and during this time we find that Saturn is transiting the Shraavana star and the lord of this star is Moon and Moon being ruled by water and it is placed in its own sign Cancer in India chart denotes that masses will be troubled due to this virus. Moon also denotes lungs as cancer is natural house of lungs and heart.
Today ie 29th April 2021 we find that Moon is transiting Anuradha and Saturn is transiting Sravna. Moon will be moving away from Anuradha in another 2 days while Saturn will still be there in the Sravana star in the middle spike of soola(trident). Spikes denotes pocking which causes pain and this spikes are used by the Rudra to take away souls of the native..
Moon represents Masses hence we find that people are dying every where. Moon also rules northern direction and Saturn the Western direction hence death can are seen in these two directions and also states connected to these two directions..

Till May 24th 2021 the situation will be tensed and after which the planet saturn will be retrograde giving some solace...Here in the natal chart also we find that Saturn and Pluto are moving apart which means that the death rates will come down and slowly and surely we will be able to control the virus..Till October 2021 Saturn will be retrograde and then move into direct position and then again a new virus will come into picture which we should be aware of. .Here during this point of time Ketu will transiting the Anuradha star...
Hence the period 2021 from March to July and later on October 2021 to March 2022 is a crucial period for India.
Let us pray together and ask for the help with our mother earth and also keep ourself safe during this crucial time.