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India and China LAC conflict--Some analysis

This is the chart of India and with Taurus laguna rising and Rahu the 10th lord placed in the sign.This denotes that India will try to.import most of the ideas from foreign countries.Our constitution is based on some points which are imported from Britain.and Russia.Rahu is a foreigner and we also know that we have been exploited by many foreign outfits and we were rules for nearly 200 years by British and also we were invaded by many Muslim rulers and our treasures were robbed by them.

The most notable Part is that of Jupiter being placed in the 6th house and 6th denotes enmity and enemies and here we find that Jupiter being placed in the sign of libra.Jupiter is a first rate beneficial and he is also the Lord of 8th and forming a VipReeta Raja Yoga for India.Jiputer as a planet is very big and can withstand any sort of hits hence in the same way Jupiter in the 6th house of enmity has helped India to withstand numerous onslaught as mentioned earlier. IN Sankrit Jupiter denotes GAJA which means elephant. As lions they fear Elephants in the same way our enemies fear India hence in spite of many wars they could not control India. For the Taurus lagna 9th house becomes badhakasthan and badhakesh is Saturn himself placed in the sign of karkataka rasi along with other planets and instigating others planets to create troubles for India. RECENTLY we have seen Malaysia interfered in our affairs and got a befitting reply and now it is Nepal which is interfering and this is created by Saturn and here is the lagna.lord of China. CHINA CHART MAKARA LAGNA IS RISING hence now in the data period of Moon and Saturn China is becoming a pain for India. But China cannot do anything and the reason being that Saturn in the Karkataka rasi cannot do anything as he himself is cursed by mother Parvati.(Read the birth story of GANESHA). THE DASA period of.moon and Saturn creates lots of tension for the jataka (india) hence the issues we are seeing right now is a rift.. The combined periods of Moon and Saturn denotes Punarapoo Yoga and Saturn. And Moon are both in the sign of Cancer.Planets in Kendra to Saturn also beings in troubles. Like we have Jupiter in Kendra to Saturn and here we have Jupiter and Jupiter is the lagna.lord of USA and we are aware that even USA is being targeted by China. The lagnesh of Pakistan is Mars and it is placed in the Chart of India in the 3rd house and debilitated (weak graha) .3rd house is the house of courage and initiatives and India is very strong at this time to give a befitting reply to China if war becomes inevitable. IN the D-11 chairs we find that the same Saturn is placed in the 4th house from Rudramsa lagna which denotes that India during the antar DASA period of Saturn will face lots of issue at home front. The DASA period of Saturn will be till 2021 June and further India is also under the Pratyantara DASA period of Ketu and here Ketu is placed in Vrischika rasi doing its role as told by Rahu.. AS PER THE RUDRAMSA CHAKRA INDIA IS UNDER LEO-TAURUS MANDOOKA DASA AND WHEN EVER THE 10TH HOUSE OF RUDRA GETS ACTIVATED COUNTRY WILL FACE WAR LIKE SITUATION...THE PERIOD OF TAURUS ANTAR DASA WILL BE TILL

13.12.2020 Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah!!

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